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Minister of Health Flags-Off 8-Point Health Reform Agenda in Niger State.


New Kit for the treatment of Severe Acute Malnutrition launched by WHO in South Sudan

Dr. Jacob Mufunda, WHO Representative (left ) and Mr. Damoni Kitabire, Resident Representative, African Development Bank at the signing ceremony

WHO Country Office signs a financing agreement with African Development Bank (ADB) on leveraging mobile technology to improve access to basic health services

Eritrea observes the African Vaccination Week and successfully implements the tOPV-bOPV switch

Eritrea observes the African Vaccination Week and successfully implements the tOPV-bOPV switch

Dr Anders Nordström WHO Representative to Sierra Leone, moderating one of the sessions during the summit

High level international conference on health workforce ends in Sierra Leone

23rd to 29th May, NCDs Awareness week: Screening for Diabetes

Rwanda commemorates the World Health Day 2016

Dr Alexis, RDHS delivering the keynote address

Ghana Celebrates World No Tobacco Day


Uganda marks World No Tobacco Day 2016 and Launches the Tobacco Control Act 2015