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MOH official handles tOPV collected in Garissa County

Kenya joins the world in historical tOPV to bOPV SWITCH

Health workers and members of the community commemorate AVW & Malezi Bora celebrations in West Pokot County, Kenya, recently

Kenya celebrates African Vaccination Week

Discharge ceremony of the two survivors

Liberia Successfully Introduces a Vaccine Against Cervical Cancer

Participants of the IGAD regional cancer center resource mobilization conference

IGAD regional cancer center resource mobilization conference held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Training of health workers demonstrating what they have learned during a role play whilst WHO Consultant Ms Zora appreciates their effort

Towards a Polio Free World: Seychelles introduces Inactivated Polio Vaccine

WHO Consultant Dr. Balcha meeting with the team from Disease Surveillance and Response (DSRU) and the EPI manager during the Strategic Plan Development mission

Seychelles develops ‘Strategic plan for Measles Elimination 2015-2020’

Cost by Strategy

Immunization financing in Seychelles

The Minister of Gender and Family Promotion, Dr Diane Gashumba, vaccinating against pneumonia at the launching of MCH week

The African Vaccination Week integrated in the mother and child health week in Rwanda