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Traditional leaders intensify community sensitization as National Council on Health pledges support for early containment of Lassa fever

Dr. Karamagi (sitting in for the WHO Regional Director) and Minister Larue (MoH) during the ceremony Photo courtesy Seychelles Nation

Seychelles and WHO sign new Biennial workplan


WHO Regional Director Pays Courtesy Visit To Uganda Prime Minister And The UN Country Team

Government Press Statement: Confirmation of EVD Death in Sierra Leone – 16 January 2016

A briefing from the contractor on the project

WHO provides technical support for the construction of Public Health Emergency Operations Centres in The Gambia

Honourable Minister of Health briefing Niger state Commissioner of Health on 14 January, 2015 after a field visit

Lassa fever outbreak in Nigeria: Federal Ministry of Health restates commitment to halt the epidemic


Latest Ebola outbreak over in Liberia; West Africa is at zero, but new flare-ups are likely to occur