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(L-R) Dr. Walter Gwenigale, Minister of Health and Social Welfare, Hon. Amara Konneh, Minister of Finance and Dr. Peter Graaff, WHO Rep./Liberia, chat before signing the Agreement

Government of Liberia signs agreement with partners to fight ebola in Liberia

WHO Representative for South Sudan Dr. Abdi Aden Mohamed, flanked by the Directors General of Wau Teaching Hospital (right) and Eastern Equatoria State (left). Photo

WHO supports patient safety and quality consultative meeting


Ebola in west Africa: looking back, moving forward

WR Dr. Sagoe-Moses immunizing a child

The Gambia launches 2014 Synchronized National Immunization Days

Study warns swift action needed to curb exponential climb in Ebola outbreak: Investigation of new data expands information on spread of outbreak and case fatality rate

Official opening of Island Hospital: Pictorial news