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COVID_19 Update Rwanda

Update COVID-19 10 December 2020

Keeping to the universal health coverage path in Kenya

Keeping to the universal health coverage path in Kenya

yellow fever

Ethiopia conducts a reactive yellow fever vaccination campaign to protect communities around an affected district

local communities made polio vaccination possible

How local communities made polio vaccination possible despite the fear of COVID-19

Director of ZNPHI, Professor Victor Mukonka (Four from right) With THPAZ President, Dr. Rodwell Vongo, (Centre) with some members of THPAZ

WHO Supports the Ministry of Health to train Members of the Traditional Health Practitioners’ Association of Zambia on COVID -19

South Sudan launches a comprehensive five-year National Action Plan for Health Security

South Sudan launches a comprehensive five-year National Action Plan for Health Security to strengthen its capacity to prevent, detect, and respond to public health emergencies

COVID_19 Update Rwanda

Update COVID-19 09 December 2020

WHO urges stronger community role in COVID-19 vaccine rollout

WHO urges stronger community role in COVID-19 vaccine rollout