Media Centre

1st WHO Africa Healh Forum Video Sexual Education
New WHO Country Representative to Nigeria, Dr. Wondimagegnehu Alemu (1st Right), In a Maiden Meeting with Cluster Coordinators and Programme Managers in Abuja on 28th November, 2016
Nigeria’s Honorable Minister of Health, Professor Isaac Adewole (Right), Welcoming Wondimagegnehu Alemu to His Office in Abuja on 05 December, 2016.
The new WHO Country Representative Dr Wondimagegnehu Alemu presenting Letters of Commission to Nigeria’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Honorable Geoffrey Onyeama, Nigeria’s Minister of Foreign Presenting on 15 December, 2016.
Télécharger l'affiche : Journée Mondiale Sans Tabac
Télécharger l'affiche : Journée Mondiale de la Santé Bucco Dentaire
Télécharger l'affiche : Journée Mondiale de lutte contre le Cancer
Ebola is preventable: Keep Ebola Virus Disease out of Ghana!
Health Sector Response to Gender Based Violence in Uganda
Seeing is believing WHO & Ministry of Health in Uganda Production on onchocerciasis control in Uganda
Vaccinating against cholera in Sierra Leone
Maternity waiting homes in Namibia: Hope for the future