Report on World AIDS Commemoration in Eritrea

WHO Eritrea, Asmara 1st December 2008: World AIDS Day 2008 was nationally commemorated under the theme “Enhancing Community Role in the Prevention of HIV/AIDS,” on December 1, 2008 in the town of Ghinda, Northern Red Sea Region.

In the occasion, representing the Honorable Minister of Health, Mr. Birhane Gebretensae, Director General of Health Services at the Ministry of Health, stated in his speech that Eritrea has registered encouraging achievements in stabilizing the prevalence of HIV/AIDS in the past years.

Eritrea Consolidates Reports on Health Sector Response to HIV/AIDS

To better harmonize data collection, validation and analysis for the 2009 Global Report on Health Sector Response to HIV/AIDS, Ministry of Health (MOH) in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) and other partners has conducted a consensus building workshop on 6th March 2009.

WHO, UNICEF and UNAIDS will jointly publish for 2009 a report on the global progress in scaling up the health sector response to HIV/AIDS towards universal access, including HIV services for women and children.

Prevention and Control of Non Communicable Diseases in Eritrea

Asmara, 25 February 2009 – In an effort to strengthen the primary health care of the country to effectively manage NCDs, WHO in collaboration with the MOH has conducted a four day training workshop for Health Workers to field test WHO Package of Essential NCDs intervention (WHO PEN).

WCO Works for Effective Management of NCDs - WHO Selects Eritrea for WHO PEN Pilotin...

Asmara, 23 February 2009 - In an effort to strengthen the primary health care and to effectively manage Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs), WHO in collaboration with the MOH has conducted a two day training Workshop for two groups of health Workers from selected health facilities. The purpose of this training is to integrate WHO Package of Essential NCDs (WHO PEN) into the health system at primary level.

Eritrea Commemorated World Health Day 2009

“Protecting our health facilities to remain functional during emergencies will surely save lives,” said Dr. Luis G. Sambo, WHO Regional Director for Africa.

Asmara, 7 April 2009 - The Ministry of Health in collaboration with WHO Eritrea commemorated World Health Day on the grounds of Halibet Hospital in Asmara on the 7th of April 2009 under the theme “Save lives. Make hospitals safe in emergencies.”

WHO Supports the Launching of a Pentavalent Vaccine in Eritrea

Eritrea Takes a Step Forward in Reducing Child Morbidity and Mortality Aimed at saving the lives of more children, a Pentavalent vaccine was officially launched by the Minister of Health, HE Mr Saleh Meky on the 18th of December at the Orota Referal Hospital Conference Hall in Asmara.

The Ministry of Health with the support of WHO and UNICEF is introducing the new vaccine to the routine Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) in the efforts to reach the MDG 4. 

Eritrea Commemorates World Health Day 2010

World Health Day was nationally commemorated under the theme “Urbanization and Health” on the 11th of April 2010 at the Bahti Meskerem Square, in the capital city, Asmara.

The message from the Minister of Health was delivered by Dr Mismay Gebrehiwet, Advisor to the Minister. Dr Mismay said that this year’s theme arises from the fast growing health hazards associated with the rapid urban growth. These demand for a timely and careful urban planning which have the potential to meet the needs of the growing populations’ for basic public health and other services.

Eritrea Commemorates World No Tobacco Day 2010

n a further fight against the risks of Tobacco the government made a call to all smokers to be aware of the harmful effects of Tobacco and stop smoking, to the non smokers to be careful not to fall into its dangerous traps.

This call was made during the commemoration of World No Tobacco Day held in Asmara on the 31st of May 2010 under the theme “Let us be careful not to be victims of tobacco and its producers” adopted from the global them “Gender and tobacco with an emphasis on marketing to women”.