Ethiopia News

US and Canadian Rotarians support Ethiopia's polio eradication efforts

Addis Ababa 18 November -- Rotarians from the United States of America and Canada have been supporting Ethiopia’s polio eradication efforts for over ten years. As part of their support, 32 Rotarians, representing the 24,000 Rotarians in the US and Canada, are currently visiting Ethiopia to better understand the challenges remaining to kick polio out of the country.

The House of Peoples' Representatives Awarded by WHO for its Contribution to Tobacco...

Addis Ababa. 8 July 2014 – The World Health Organization awarded the Ethiopian House of Peoples’ Representatives with a WHO Award for the House’s landmark contribution to tobacco control in Ethiopia by ratifying the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) on 21 January 2014. The Award was presented by Dr Pierre Mpele-Kilebou, WHO Representative to Ethiopia, on behalf of Dr Margaret Chan, WHO Director General.

Ethiopia intensifies Tobacco control efforts

Addis Ababa, 4 December -- State Minister Dr Kebede Worku, Federal Ministry of Health, announced yesterday at the “Get Involved in Tobacco Control” high level advocacy workshop in Addis Ababa that Ethiopia will soon ratify the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC). WHO FCTC is the first international treaty negotiated in response to the globalization of the tobacco epidemic. The Convention represents a milestone for the promotion of public health and provides new legal dimensions for international health cooperation.

WHO Ethiopia Moves to New Office Facility

WHO Ethiopia Moves to the New Office Facility in the UNECA Compound.  

WHO Ethiopia would like to announce to its partners that it has changed its office location and has moved to the New Office Facility (NOF) within the UNECA Compound. Office phone,fax and extension numbers will remain the same.

WHO will be housed in the ground and first floors of NOF.

Ethiopian Orthodox Church initiates a project to contribute to improvement of Health...

Ethiopian Orthodox Church Initiates Partnership to Improve Health Services

Addis Ababa, 17 December 2013 -- At an event that brought together the diplomatic community, develop-ment partners, UN agencies, the private sector and the Ethiopian Government on 10 December 2013 at Sher-aton Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church (EOC) presented the Mekelle Debre Amin Abune Teklehaimanot Public Hospital and Medical College project.

UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy to Stop TB Visiting Africa

November 30, 2009 – Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – The United Nations Secretary General’s Special Envoy to Stop Tuberculosis (TB) is visiting five African countries, Ethiopia included, in a bold initiative to fight the spread of one of the biggest killer diseases on the continent. The mission is organized by the Stop TB Partnership in close collaboration with WHO.

Ethiopia Holds Consultative Meeting on the WHO Global Health Sector Strategy for HIV...

27 August 2010, Addis Ababa -- The WHO Ethiopia Country Office in collaboration with the Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) convened a half day consultative meeting to deliberate on the WHO Global Health Sector Strategy for HIV/AIDS: 2011 – 2015.

The meeting brought together a wide section of stakeholders from FMOH, UN Agencies, NGOs, PLWHA Associations, bilateral and multi lateral agencies among others. 

Ethiopia polio vaccination campaigns in areas bordering southern Sudan

16 October 2008 | Addis Ababa - In the context of ongoing response to a polio outbreak in Gambella region, the Federal Ministry of Health in collaboration with its partners is planning to conduct a polio vaccination campaign targeting about 2.1 million children under age 5 in the zones of Gambella and Benishangul/Gumuz Regions, 6 zones of Oromia Region and 4 zones of Southern Nation Nationalities People Region (SNNPR). The dates of these campaigns are October 17-20, and November 14-17, 2008.

Ethiopia Observes World No Tobacco Day 2010

Ethiopia joined hands with the rest of the world to commemorate the World No Tobacco Day (WNTD) colorfully with weeklong exercises that came to an end with mass demonstration that brought together a number of people from all walks of life.

The event was done to create people’s awareness and to curb the use of tobacco products in the country, which has been on the increase in the 21st century. This year WNTD was successfully hosted by DACA here in Addis Ababa.