Sierra Leone News

More patients discharged from the Ebola treatment centres in Sierra Leone

30 June 2014, Freetown -- On 30 June 2014 four patients were discharged from the Ebola treatments centres bringing the number of discharged patients to 23.

The first to be discharged from the Ebola treatment centre is Victoria Yillia a 19 year old lady from Koindu Town in the Kailahun district. Quoting from her statement she said “I felt like I am in heaven when I was discharged”. She is now living in nearby Kenema district with her husband and mother in law.

WHO Sierra Leone Staff trained in global

Staff of WCO Sierra Leone went through a four day intensive training on the Global Management System (GSM). The GSM is a single and integrated management tool introduced to support the delivery of WHO technical programs.

Training on the GSM is an ongoing activity essential to the productivity for staff mostly aimed at new staff but also for existing staff willing to enhance their skills and competency. GSM users need to be familiar with the GSM environment and other supporting systems.

Sierra Leone Launches Multi year Multi-sectorial Cholera Plan

The Ministry of Health and Sanitation launched the Cholera Multi-Year Multi-Sectoral Plan and other three surveillance documents (National Sierra Leone National Disease Surveillance and Response Strategic Plan 2012 – 2017, Rapid Response Teams Operational Guidelines and Post Epidemic Evaluation (The 2012 Cholera Outbreak) on 27 February 2014 at the Presidential Lounge of the National Stadium.

African Vaccination Week (AVW) Sierra Leone

The Polio NIDs campaign coupled with AVW was officially launched on Friday 26th April 2013 in Wellington Community Health Centre, at Western Area, in Freetown, the capital city of Sierra Leone by Dr Abu Bakarr FOFANAH, Deputy Minister of Health and Sanitation (MoHS). The function was well attended, with the participation of senior officials of the MOHS, Rotary international, WHO, UNICEF, parliamentarians, civil society organization, traditional and religious leaders among others.

Sierra Leone Launches Integrated Maternal and Child Health Interventions

Sierra Leone launched the first round 2013 polio immunization campaign on 24 January 2013 in Moyamba District. This was integrated with the Maternal and Child Health Week (MCHW) Campaign The event was launched by Dr Abu Bakarr Fofanah, Deputy Minister of Health and Sanitation (MoHS). In his address Dr Fofanah stated that scaling up of maternal and child health services is a high priority on the government’s agenda. He urged the full participation of stakeholders for a successful outcome of the campaign.

Sierra Leone Launches Reproductive & Child Health Policy, Strategy & Adolescent Heal...

The Ministry of Health and Sanitation launched three documents on Reproductive and Child Health programme on 7 November 2012. The documents included Reproductive, Newborn and Child Health (RNCH) Policy 2011-2015, RNCH Strategy 2011-2015 and a Strategic Plan for Adolescent and Young People’s Health & Development 2011-2015. The Acting Minister of Health and Sanitation Hon. Borbor Sawyerr launched the documents. State functionaries, UN agencies and other development partners, and health implementing partners attended the ceremony.

Cholera Situation in Sierra Leone, 18 September 2012

A cumulative total of 18,734 cases and 272 deaths have been reported by the Directorate of Disease Prevention and Control in the Ministry of Health and Sanitation as of 17 September, 2012.

On 17 September, 214 cases with one death were reported from the 12 affected districts. Western Area remains the worst affected district with 106 reported cases. The Case Fatality Rate for Western Area is at 1.0% while the attack rate is 0.77%.

Cholera situation in Sierra Leone - 30 August 2012

As of 29 August 2012, the Ministry of Health and Sanitation in Sierra Leone has reported a total of 14,521 cholera cases with 243 deaths since January 2012, affecting 11 of the 13 districts in the country. Western Area (where the capital city Freetown is located) have reported about 50% of the cumulative total case load followed by Port Loko 21% and Kambia district 9%. The overall case fatality rate is 1.7%. The daily reported number of cases is still high with Western Area reporting about 63 % of the cases.