Uganda commemorates 10th World Malaria Day 2016

Lira, 27th April 2016 - Uganda commemorated the 10th World Malaria Day 2016 at the Golf Course grounds in Lira District under the theme “End Malaria for Good”, calling on the communities to Test, Treat and Track malaria cases.  The choice of Lira district to host the commemorations was based on the fact Lira District is one of the 14 districts implementing Indoor residual Spraying (IRS) using carbamates; derived from carbamic acid and kill insects in a similar fashion as organophosphate insecticides.  However, in effort to manage insecticide resistance, anoth

WHO hosts WHO/CDC collaborative meeting

Kampala 28th April 2016 - The World Health Organization (WHO) Country Office in Uganda hosted a WHO/Center for Disease Control (CDC) meeting to discuss on-going WHO/CDC collaborative work.

The meeting was attended by WHO Country office staff led by the Country Representative as well as CDC staff led by their Country Director Dr. Steven Wiersma and Dr. Michael St. Louis, the CDC/Atlanta Regional Director for Africa.

Uganda organises a series of African Vaccination Week activities

Kampala, 3rd May 2016 - World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa (WHO AFRO) launched the sixth African Vaccination Week (AVW), to raise awareness on the importance of vaccination in reducing child mortality and renew efforts around universal vaccination coverage. Vaccination can save children’s lives, and keep adults, communities and nations, healthy. One in five African children still lacks access to all the necessary and basic vaccinations.

Uganda hosts Strategic Partnership Portal

Kampala, 20th May 2016:- The WHO Country Office (WCO) in Uganda hosted a two day international workshop on the newly introduced Strategic Partnership Portal (SPP) that aims at building stronger health systems for sustainable health security in WHO member states.

The SPP is an online tool that allows countries, donors and partners to see all funding coming into a particular country and how it is distributed and other information collected from national authorities and stakeholders. 

Uganda undertakes mass Yellow fever vaccination in affected districts

Masaka 23th May 2016:- The Ministry of Health with support from the World Health Organization (WHO), GAVI, UNICEF and other partners over the weekend implemented a  mass Yellow Fever vaccination campaign in Masaka, and Rukungiri districts which  have recently had confirmed cases of the disease.  The preparation for Kalangala district is in progress.

Uganda’s armed forces trained on using the Electronic Health Management Information ...

Entebbe 1st June 2016 - The Ministry of Health (MoH) with support from the World Health Organization, United Nations Children’s Education Fund and Center for Disease Control held a three-day training for the members of of Uganda’s armed forces (Military, Police and Prisons) on the usage of Electronic Health Management Information System (eHMIS) at Imperial Botanical Beach Hotel, Entebbe.