WHO and the Ministry of Health engage Parliamentarians to discuss their support and ...

The WHO Country Office in collaboration with the Ministry of Health convened a meeting to engage parliamentarians in a discussion on how they could support and contribute to the implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO/FCTC). The meeting which took place on 27 June 2018 at parliament buildings in Lusaka was intended to raise awareness on the WHO/ FCTC and the WHO/ FCTC 2030 project including Zambia’s obligation to align its domestic tobacco control legislation with the requirements of the treaty.

Zambia Charts the Way forward for Cholera Elimination

The Cholera outbreak in Zambia which started in October 2017 has now been brought under control and in the next two weeks, the country is likely be declared cholera free. The Minister of Health, Dr. Chitalu Chilufya, said this at a joint media briefing held on May 17 where he made a comprehensive presentation on the Cholera situation and the next steps the country would take towards its elimination. The briefing was jointly conducted with the Minister of Local Government, Mr. Vincent Mwale, the Minister for Water Development, Sanitation and Environmental Protection, Dr.

Zambia commemorates World TB Day and calls upon leaders at all levels to accelerate ...

On 24 March Zambia joined the rest of the world to focus on how best to defeat Tuberculosis, (TB), an old disease that can be prevented and treated, but continues to afflict and kill many people. TB is a major public health problem in Zambia and is the commonest opportunistic infection among people living with HIV. The Ministry of Health took the lead in forging a strong partnership with various stakeholders to advocate for intensified actions to eliminate TB in the country under the theme “Wanted: Leaders for a TB-Free world”.

The United Nations in Zambia, CDC and DFID commend government’s initiative of settin...

The United Nations in Zambia, the Centres for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) and the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) in Zambia have described the Cholera Treatment Hospital which was set up by government at the Heroes Stadium as a good initiative and a massive asset in the on-going cholera response and have also commended government for scaling-up preventive interventions in the community.

WHO donates cholera kits to support the cholera outbreak response in the country

Zambia declared a cholera outbreak on 6th October, 2017 after two laboratory confirmed cases were recorded from Mazyopa area in Chipata sub-district in Lusaka district. The outbreak has since spread to other sub-districts within Lusaka and to Chongwe and Shibuyunji districts in Lusaka province including the Copperbelt and Central provinces. The outbreak is affecting people of different age groups including children under the age of five with more than 650 cases and 20 deaths recorded.