The WHO Representative, Dr. Nathan Nsubuga Bakyaita presents his credentials to the ...

Dr. Nathan Nsubuga Bakyaita presented his letters of credence to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hon. Harry Kalaba at a brief ceremony which was held in Lusaka on 7 December 2017. This follows his recent appointment as the WHO Representative to Zambia. The Minister welcomed Dr. Bakyaita to Zambia and congratulated him on being appointed to his new position as he accepted his letters of credence. He assured Dr. Bakyaita of the Government’s commitment to continued collaboration with the World Health Organization in improving the health of Zambians.

WHO calls for strengthening of laboratory systems in efforts to fulfill their import...

The WHO Representative, a.i. Dr. Custodia Mandlhate has called for strengthening of laboratory systems in the country. During her familiarization tour of the laboratories at the University Teaching Hospital on 20 October 2016, Dr. Mandlhate said that efficient and reliable laboratory services and networks were essential and fundamental components of effective, well-functioning health systems.

WHO donates vehicles, boats and computers to the ministry of health to strengthen na...

The WHO Country Office yesterday made a donation of vehicles, boats and computers valued at six million Zambia Kwacha to the Ministry of health as part of its continued support for strengthening national capacities to detect, report and respond to public health emergencies. The acting WHO Representative, Dr. Custodia Mandlhate handed over to the Health Minister, Honourable Chitalu Chilufya thirteen (13) 4x4 Land cruisers (hard top), 2 Land cruiser Prado, two banana boats and 15 Dell Laptops which will be utilized in the health emergencies program in the country’s ten (10) provinces and ports of entry. This donation has been made possible through the WHO Emergency Preparedness, Integrated Disease Surveillance and Outbreak response project which is funded by the United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID) for the period September 2016 to August 2021. Dr. Mandlhate also handed over to the minister a total of 5 Land cruisers (hard top), 10 Dell desk top computers, 10 Samsung Galaxy tablets and I scanjet through the WHO Influenza Preparedness (PIP) Framework. The Influenza programme is operating in 9 sentinel sites in Lusaka, Monze, Nakonde, Ndola and Samfya districts. The 5 vehicles donated will go to the Virology laboratory at the University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka and the influenza preparedness sentinel sites in Monze, Nakonde and Samfya.

Zambia commences the second phase of the Joint External Evaluation of the core capac...

Livingstone, 8 August 2017 - Experts from the World Health Organisation Regional Office for Africa, Organization for Animal Health, JICA, PH Sweden and WHO Country Office in Ghana, Ministry of Health inTanzania, Ministry of Agriculture in Kenya and NICDC in Nigeria are gathered in Livingstone to support the second phase of the Joint External Evaluation (JEE) of the implementation of the International Health Regulations (IHR 2005) in Zambia.

The HIV Self-Testing Africa (STAR) project in Zambia shows potential for increasing ...

Lusaka - 21 July 2017- Following the completion of phase one of the UNITAID/PSI HIV Self- Testing Africa (STAR) project (2015-2017), Zambia conducted a dissemination meeting to share lessons learnt from implementing the project. This pilot study is being implemented by a consortium led by Population Services International (PSI) in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe in two phases and it will last up to three years from August 2017.

Zambia hosts the Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) review meetings on the status of ...

The WHO Country Office in Zambia in collaboration with the Ministry of Health is hosting the immunisation and surveillance plans review and feedback meeting from 17-19 July 2017 and the review meeting on the status of implementation of the WHO performance accountability framework from 20-21 July. These meeting have been convened by the WHO Inter-country Support Team (IST) for Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) following the development of surveillance and immunization improvement plans and the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the WHO performance accountability framework by countries. During this meeting, the countries will also conduct mid-year review of their operational Vaccine Preventable Diseases (VPDs) and surveillance plans. The overall aim of the meetings is to identify lessons learned and challenges in order to address them in the remaining months of the year.

Dr. Custodia Das Dores Isaac Mandlhate Appointed As The Acting WHO Representative in...

Lusaka, 9 June 2017 - The WHO Regional Director for Africa Dr. Matshidiso Moeti has appointed Dr. Custodia Das Dores Isaac Mandlhate, a national of Mozambique as the Acting WHO Representative for Zambia. Dr. Mandlhate takes over from Dr. Jacob Mufunda who has been reassigned to the WHO Regional Office for Africa in Brazzaville. Dr. Mandlhate arrived in Zambia on 6 June 2017. She was warmly welcomed by the WHO Country Office staff.