Over 29,000 Flood Affected Victims Benefit from One United Nations (UN) Support

Over 29,000 Flood Affected Victims Benefit from One United Nations (UN) Support

Monrovia, 5th September 2018 – Over 29,000 flood affected victims in Grand Bassa, Margibi and Montserrado Counties have benefited from a joint United Nations flood response consisting of Health assistance, Food Distribution, Cash transfer, Water Supply, Hygiene, Sanitation, health education and psychosocial support. The joint UN response was aimed at strengthening coordination and the allocation of resources to avoid duplication of interventions. The Country is currently in its rainy season, which has been characterized by heavy down pour of rain especially during the last two months, July and August, and this has resulted to serious flooding in many areas in the country.

At an emergency partners meeting held at the National Disaster Management Agency, Mr. Henry O. Williams, Executive Director, National Disaster Management Agency, informed the meeting that, over 54, 687 peopleivelihood has been grossly affected due to the flooding, and  that the floods have not only affected people’s livelihood but have also destroyed roads, crops, vegetables etc. He also indicated that, the number of persons displaced and seeking shelter in worship places and other abandoned buildings with limited sanitation and access to safe drinking water have increased from 750 to 1,780. The Government confirmed that 3,155 houses, 781 latrines, 630 wells, three places of worship, six bridges, two public schools and one hospital have been partially or completely damaged due to flooding .Also affected by the flooding were 218 persons mainly women, children and the elderly who sustained various types of injuries.

Also speaking at the meeting, Mr. Yacoub El Hillo, United Nations Resident Coordinator in Liberia, advised that the lessons learned during the 2014-2016 Ebola response should be employed in addressing the current flooding situation in the Country rather than reinventing the wheels. He therefore pledged the United Nations Agencies in Liberia continuous support to the Government of Liberia in addressing the current situation of flooding.

In addition, 623 wells and 119 hand pumps have been chlorinated, provision of medical services by WHO mobile medical services to patients (129), provision of psychosocial support, health education on prevention of water and vector borne diseases, nutritional services especially for infant and young child feeding (IYCF) to 23 affected communities, and logistical support for operations of ambulances in Counties.

The joint United Nations support was funded through an emergency response fund of $ 860, 320 U.S. Dollars and this amount was expanded to support cash transfer, 16.98 metric tons of assorted food, nonfood items, hygiene and sanitation supplies to households in the various communities seriously affected in three counties.

In furtherance of these efforts the United Nations Agencies in Liberia is working with the Government of Liberia and other partners to mobilize additional resources to increase its response to other counties affected by recent flooding and support the strengthening of the disease surveillance and response system in the Country. 

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Mrs. Vachel Harris Lake

Health Information and Promotion officer
Tel :    +(231) 776532008
Email:   lakev [at] who.int


Dr. Julius Monday

Epi-Surveillance/IDSR Team Lead


+ (231)776106795

drmondayj [at] gmail.com ()

Mr. Kwuakuan D. M. Yealue

National Epidemiologist

WHO- Liberia

Tel: +(231)776400722

Email: yealuek [at] who.int


Mr. Jomah Kollie

+ (231)775076017
jomahkollie [at] hotmail.com

Mr. Jeremy Sesay

+ (231)776560699

jeremysesay [at] yahoo.com

Mr. Mohammed Kromah

+ (231) 776977166
kromahml [at] gmail.com