PanPrep Project: Strengthening cross border emergency preparedness measures for the East African Community

PanPrep Project: Strengthening cross border emergency preparedness measures for the East African Community

WHO is working with the East African Community (EAC) Secretariat and the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) under the “Support to Pandemic Preparedness in Region” (PanPrep) project to examine methods of testing preparedness assumptions through the use of cross-border simulation exercises.

WHO has been selected to plan, coordinate, implement and evaluate two simulation exercises, including one tabletop and one full-scale exercise. Both exercises are designed to test cross border preparedness measures in the EAC region.

The first – cross border table top - exercise took place in Arusha, United Republic of Tanzania, on 4 and 5 September 2018. The purpose of the simulation exercise was to build and assess the capacity of the EAC Secretariat and the EAC Partner States to prepare and respond to public health events adopting a One Health approach. The exercise focused on the capacity to prepare for and respond to Rift Valley Fever outbreak, a common but complex illness in ruminants that can cause a form of Haemorrhagic fever in humans which is often fatal. 

Approximately 110 participants, including observers, assessors and facilitators attended the simulation exercise. The Field Exercise is planned to take place at Namanga border post from 4-7 June 2019.

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