Handing Over of Medical Books to the Ministry of Health by WHO

Handing Over of Medical Books to the Ministry of Health by WHO

 Monrovia - The World Health Organization Liberia Country Office handed over to the Ministry of Health over 300 copies of assorted medical books that included books on: District Laboratory Practice in Tropical Countries, Principles of Public Health Microbiology, Functions and Disorders of the Immune System, etc. to be used as a major resource to strengthen health services in the country. The handing over ceremony took place at the premises of the MoH and was attended by Dr.  Catherine Cooper, Assistant Minister for Curative Services, MoH, Dr. Mesfin G. Zbelo, Acting WHO Representative, senior staff MoH, and WHO and other relevant stakeholders.

In his handing over remarks, Dr. Mesfin G. Zbelo, Acting WHO Representative stated that he was delighted to hand over the medical books on behalf of WHO Liberia and the Kael Khair Program-Islamic Development Bank (IsDB). He said that the procurement and donation of the assorted books was the final implementation phase of a U.S. $ 1.4 Million Dollars Ebola Control Fael Khair funded Project implemented by the WHO and administered through the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB).  He concluded by urging the MoH to ensure that health professionals in the districts have access to the books which contain practical solutions to some of the issues  ( medical, public health and management )  healthcare workers are faced with in the performance of their duties.

In her acceptance remarks, Dr. Catherine Cooper, Assistant Minister for Curative Services, MoH, expressed appreciation to the World Health Organization (WHO) and Kael Khair Program-Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) for the provision of the books which she indicated was timely, and if adequately utilized will enhance the knowledge capacity of healthcare workers in addressing some of the issues faced with on a daily basis in the performance of their duties. She then assured the sponsors that the books will be maintained and used for the intended purpose.

Funds for the Ebola Control Fael Khair Project was provided by the late Saude King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Suad and administered by the Kael Khair Program-Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) with WHO as the implementing agency. The Project covered two major areas:  Training for Biomedical Technology (BMET) and Procurement of Laboratory equipment, supplies and books.

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