President Buhari launches WHO’s Revised Third Generation Country Cooperation Strategy

President Buhari launches WHO’s Revised Third Generation Country Cooperation Strategy

Abuja, 25 January 2019 –  In an historic event held at the Presidential Villa, the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, General Muhammad Buhari launched the World Health Organization (WHO) revised third generation Nigeria Country Cooperation Strategy (CCSIII). 

The Minister of Budget and National Planning, Senator Udo Udoma who represented President Buhari expressed appreciation to the Federal Ministry of Health, all Nigerian health workers and development partners especially the WHO for their efforts in advancing healthcare delivery in Nigeria. 

“We call on all state governors to put the necessary mechanisms in place to ensure that health care is improved for all Nigerians,” he said. “This administration will continue to support the health sector and ensure the welfare of all Nigerians.” 

In his opening remarks, the Minister of State for Health, Dr Osagie Ehanire described the launch as ‘historic’ as it showcased Nigeria’s strategic plan towards achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and marked the beginning of the implementation of the Basic Healthcare Provision Fund (BHCPF). He also lauded the efforts of stakeholders in the health sector who have supported Nigeria’s quest towards UHC especially WHO and other development partners.   

The Officer in Charge (OIC) of the WHO Nigeria Country Office, Dr Clement Peter expressed his gratitude to the Government of Nigeria for the strides made so far towards achieving UHC. 
“The revised CCSIII is strategically aligned to the Sustainable Development Goals, the National Health Act 2014, the National Health Policy 2016, Nigeria’s Economic and Recovery Growth Plan (ERGP) 2017-2020, and the NSHDP II,” he said.  

He further stated that “the revised CCSIII is consistent with WHO’s Thirteenth General Program of Work (GPW13) and its set of interconnected strategic priorities which seek to achieve the global triple billion goal of: population coverage of essential health services, protection from health emergencies, and better health and well-being.”

The highlight of the event was the keynote address by the Honourable Minister of Health Professor Isaac Adewole, which culminated in the launch by the President, of the revised CCSIII, the second National Strategic Health Development Plan (NSHDP II), crucial UHC documents as well as the official roll-out of the BHCPF implementation plan in six Nigerian pilot states, namely:  Niger, Osun, Abia, Katsina, Edo, Yobe and the Federal Capital Territory. 
The revised CCSIII will also be used to communicate WHO’s support to Nigeria, formulate WHO’s country work plan advocate for and mobilise resources, shape the health dimension of the UN Sustainable Development Partnership Framework (UNSDPF) and coordinate sustainable partnerships towards UHC in Nigeria. 

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