Government of Mauritius and UN Strategic Partnership Framework (2019-2023): A Partnership for Sustainable Development

Government of Mauritius and UN Strategic Partnership Framework (2019-2023): A Partnership for Sustainable Development

For the first time in the country, the Government of Mauritius and UN have join hands together in view of building partnership for sustainable development through the elaboration of the Strategic Partnership Framework (SPF), a five year plan that will be implemented as from 2019.  The SPF was validated by wide range of key partners during a workshop held in Port Louis on 7th March 2019.   An overview of the SPF and its implementation plan was presented by the Government of Mauritius and UN team in the presence of the relevant stakeholders from the Government of Mauritius, key Ministries, Civil Society, Academia, Private Sector, Bilateral and Multilateral agencies.


High level Official from the Prime Minister’s Office during his welcome address emphasized on the relevance of the joint collaboration of the Government of Mauritius and the UN for sustainable development as well as its contribution towards the National Vision 2030.  The UN Resident Coordinator Mrs Christine Umutoni during her opening remark highlighted the high level commitment of both the Government of Mauritius and UN in working together to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.  The latter stated that such kind of partnership helps agencies to collaborate jointly to support the Government of Mauritius through a multisectoral approach.


During the validation workshop, the final draft Strategic Partnership Framework was reviewed and validated after the key stakeholders had the opportunity to state outstanding concerns with regards to the expected results, strategy and budget.  The six outcomes of the Strategic Partnership Framework, namely  Transformed businesses; Ageing society, health, and labour market reforms; Ocean economy and tourism; Quality inclusive education and skilling; Social protection and gender equality and Resilience to climate change were discussed and agreed up  by all participants to the workshop.


Dr L. Musango, WHO Representative in Mauritius and his team contributed in the technical work for the elaboration of the Strategic Partnership Framework.   The results and outputs related to health are the elaboration of a National NCDs Integrated Strategy, strengthening of the Public-Private Partnership Framework in the health sector, enhancing of surveillance, prevention and control of communicable diseases due to the climate change as well as the strengthening of the National Health System and e-health initiatives.  WHO also contributed financially for the elaboration of the Strategic Partnership Framework.

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