WHO and Makerere University School of Public Health to collaborate on health research and training of health professionals

WHO and Makerere University School of Public Health to collaborate on health research and training of health professionals

Kampala, 28 March 2019 – The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Makerere University School of Public Health (MUSPH) signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to intensify collaboration on health research, health worker capacity building and community service.

The agreement is the first of its kind between WHO and MUSPH in Uganda. The MoU commits the two institutions to plan and implement joint research projects, share information and knowledge, and support training and research programs. In addition, the two institutions will hold quarterly meetings to discuss issues of mutual public health importance and research priorities and convene joint policy dialogues with key stakeholders.

In Uganda, MUSPH is the leading institutions in public health research and training. This agreement, therefore, comes at a time when WHO is keen on supporting the Ministry of Health to achieve results in various public health areas to which research and training are crucial.

“The signing of this MOU once again shows the WHO commitment to improving the lives of people. Research is a key aspect of public health and I have no doubt that MUSPH will be a key partner and driving force in supporting WHO's research agenda", said Dr Yonas Tegegn Woldemariam, the WHO Representative in Uganda.

Similarly, the Dean of MUSPH, Dr Rhoda Wanyenze highlighted the key role that research plays in public health. She pointed out that MUPSH is committed to supporting the WHO as the lead agency for health in the United Nations. "We are glad to have been entrusted as a key partner in research and training among other things, by WHO, and we will do our best to make a difference in the public sector", she said.

Dr Woldemariam used the opportunity to address the students and faculty of Makerere University College of Health Sciences on the work of WHO in Uganda. He oriented them on the WHO 13th Global Program of Work, highlighting the organization’s commitment to achieving measurable results in various public health areas.

He further informed the audience about the WHO commitment to support the Ministry of Health through the Country Cooperation Strategy 2016-2022. This is aimed at attaining universal health coverage and the related essential health services to promote healthy and productive lives for all Ugandans.

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