WHO Africa mourns the loss of a colleague killed in a hospital attack in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

WHO Africa mourns the loss of a colleague killed in a hospital attack in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

The WHO Regional Office for Africa is deeply saddened by the death of Dr Richard Valery Mouzoko Kiboung, an epidemiologist deployed by WHO in the response to the Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Dr Mouzoko, a citizen of Cameroon, was killed in an attack on the Butembo University Hospital on 19 April while he was participating in a coordination meeting. Three other people were also injured.

“My deepest condolences go to the family of our colleague and the government and people of Cameroon,” said Dr Matshidiso Moeti, WHO Regional Director for Africa. “This tragic and unacceptable incident can only impede the response to the outbreak and put more lives at risk. It is vital that the safety of our staff is not compromised as they work tirelessly under extremely difficult circumstances to respond to the Ebola outbreak.”

WHO is working with partners to assess the security situation and we are determined to ensure the safety of all responders - Congolese, WHO and partners. The Ebola outbreak will only be contained if crucial response activities are allowed to take place without violence. The Organization remains committed to supporting the Ministry of Health of DRC to end this outbreak as quickly as possible.

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