Liberia Commemorates World Malaria Day

Liberia Commemorates World Malaria Day

 Dr. Moses K Jeuronlon, Disease Prevention and Control Cluster Coordinator, WHO-Liberia, making remarks during the WMD celebration in Grand Cape MountLiberia joined the rest of the world in commemorating World Malaria Day on 25th April 2019 under the theme “Zero Malaria starts with me” and the national slogan “Big Belly Prevent Malaria, Go to the Clinic for your Malaria Medicine”.  The World Malaria Day was celebrated in Sinje, Grand Cape Mount County, 85 km northwest of Monrovia, in a colorful program that brought together students, parents, civil society, health partners, and local authorities.  The call for renewed commitment and increased investment towards Malaria Control and elimination was underscored by all the stakeholders and partners. The day’s activities included street parades, indoor program, malaria rapid diagnostic testing, and a call for action through a drama and culture performance adapted for the occasion and coveting malaria awareness messages.  Insecticide-treated bed nets were distributed and indoor spraying was demonstrated.
Speaking during the opening program, Mr. Oliver Pratt, Program Manager, National Malaria Control Program said the significance of the commemoration of the World Malaria Day is to keep malaria high on the political agenda, mobilize additional resources, and empower communities to take ownership of malaria prevention and care. 
Representing the Guest Speaker, Mr. Owusu Fofana, Administrative Assistant to the Honorable Representative Mambu Sonii said while huge gains in the fight against malaria have been made in recent years by the Government and partners, malaria still has a devastating impact on people’s health and livelihoods around the world, particularly in Africa, where malaria kills almost half a million children under 5 each year.  He said this year’s theme, “Zero Malaria starts with me”, demonstrates the need for increased grassroots participation to save the millions of dollars spent in the fight to eliminate malaria in Africa. 
In a separate remark after reading the World Malaria Day message from the WHO Regional Director for African, Dr. Matshidiso Moeti, Dr. Moses K Jeuronlon, Disease Prevention and Control Cluster Coordinator, WHO-Liberia, said the 2017 malaria data collected from countries show that out of the 219 million cases reported, 200 million came from the Africa Region and 10 countries accounted for more than 70% of the malaria cases reported from the African Region. He said of those 10 countries, 5 are within West Africa. Dr. Jeuronlon said malaria has caused and is causing incalculable amounts of death, sickness, suffering, economic and social disruption, poverty and human misery wherever it is prevalent.  “Malaria can be prevented or controlled through the use of long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets (LLINs), indoor residual spraying (IRS), preventive therapies for pregnant women, children under five and infants, as well as prompt and quality-assured diagnostic testing and treatment,” he said. 
Dr. Jeuronlon then pledged WHO support and commitment to continue investment and technical assistance to accelerate progress toward attaining malaria elimination by 2030.
Other speakers included representatives from PMI/USAID, Global Fund, civil society, NGOs, and the local council of Sinje.  Similar programs were carried out in the rest of the 14 counties by County Health Teams and partners. 

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Pour de plus amples informations ou pour demander des interviews, veuillez contacter :
Dr. Moses K. Jeuronlon

Disease Prevention and Control Cluster Coordinator


Tel: + (231) 770183989

Email: jeuronlonk [at]

Mrs. Vachel Harris Lake

Health Information and Promotion officer
Tel :    +(231) 776532008
Email:   lakev [at]