Minister of Health Calls For Increased Advocacy About The Dangers of Tobacco Consumption

Minister of Health Calls For Increased Advocacy About The Dangers of Tobacco Consumption

Kampala 31 May 2019:- World No Tobacco Day 2019 was commemorated in Uganda with a call to all sectors of government to reach most-at-risk population with strong anti-smoking messages.

“We need to reach out to the people especially in slums because they consume a lot of tobacco and alcohol products which are harmful to their health” said Hon Sarah Opendi, Minister of State for Health who was the guest of honor at the event commemorated under the national theme: Don’t Let Tobacco Take Your Breath Away.

Hon Opendi reminded the audience about the strong financial and lobbying muscle of the tobacco industry, ready to do or spend whatever it takes to promote their deadly products in the country.

Referring to the recent Constitutional Court ruling which the British American Tobacco (BAT) unanimously lost, Hon Opendi applauded partners for their contribution pointing out that tobacco control work in Uganda now has legislative, executive and legal backing to do the work. “We have no excuse not to succeed on tobacco control in this country,” she noted.

Indeed Hon Opendi’s call was in sync with the WHO Regional Director for Arica Dr Matshidiso Moeti’s message in which she urged governments to adopt and enforce tobacco-control policies aimed at reducing the demand for tobacco; promoting tobacco cessation; and adequately treating tobacco dependence. In the message presented at the commemoration event, Dr Moeti called upon all individuals, parents and their children, as well as other community members, to protect their health and avoid the harms caused by tobacco.

At the same event, the Acting Director- Public Health and Environment in Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) Dr Jim Daniel Okello Ayen reported that despite an effort to enforce the anti-tobacco law, tobacco consumption through the use of electronic cigarettes and “shisha” is still on the rise. He reminded the public that Kampala is a smoke-free city and smoking anywhere in public is now punishable by law. He reiterated KCCA’s determination to comprehensively enforce the law in the coming months.

Similarly, the Director of the Centre for Tobacco Control in Africa (CTCA), Dr Jim Arinaitwe pledged his organization’s readiness to support the Ministry of Health and KCCA to enforce the anti-tobacco law in light of recent victory against BAT. “The Tobacco industry is a stubborn one, but we and other partners are committed to supporting the government to take them on,” he said.

The commemoration held at Kampala Sheraton Hotel was preceded by a two-kilometre march through the city with a clear display of anti-tobacco messages. There was a technical talk delivered by DR Wincy Tibagaruka a Lung Specialist from the Makerere University Lung Institute in which he pointed out the harmful effects of smoking on the human body particularly the Lungs.

Globally, the tobacco epidemic is one of the biggest public health threats the world has ever faced. Tobacco kills up to half of its users. The most effective way to improve lung health is to reduce tobacco use and second-hand tobacco smoke exposure.

WHO urges Member States respond to the tobacco epidemic by fully implementing the provisions of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. WHO will continue to promote and strengthen awareness of the benefits of tobacco-free lifestyles and the cessation of tobacco use.


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