Second round of cholera vaccination launches in Cabo Delgado

Second round of cholera vaccination launches in Cabo Delgado

Pemba, Mozambique. 17 June 2019 – The second round of cholera vaccination was launched today by the Ministry of Health in Mozambique with support from the World Health Organization (WHO) and other health partners targeting over 285 000 people to receive oral cholera vaccine.


WHO/ João Chongo


The campaign targets priority districts across Cabo Delgado province, which is still recovering from the impact of Cyclone Kenneth.

District include Pemba and Mecufi and the localities of Metuge-Sede and Nacuta. 

The first round of vaccination reached 93.4% of the target. For the population to remain protected, a similar coverage rate is required for the second dose. 

“Unlike the first dose which was delivered door-to-door in order to reach people during the Muslim holiday, for this phase we are using fixed and mobile teams,” said Faquir Calu, WHO Team Lead in Cabo Delgado. “We have been working hard to remind communities of the need for vaccination. Everyone needs to be informed and engaged in the second round to ensure they show up to the vaccination points.”


WHO/ João Chongo


WHO, Ministry of Health and partners have been spreading word about the campaign and other health messages through radio debates; megaphones mounted on cars and motorbikes; and advocacy meetings with community and religious leaders.

In addition to vaccination, continued surveillance and response is key to reducing future cases and protecting an already vulnerable population. 

Cholera outbreak following Cyclone Kenneth

Flooding after the cyclone increased incidence of diarrhoea and cholera cases. A cholera outbreak was declared on 1 May.

Pemba district was the most affected with 104 cases per 100 000 people.

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Cyclone Idai Communications Consultant
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Tel: +258 21492733
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