WHO supports Adamawa following declaration of a new outbreak of cholera in three Local Government Areas 

WHO supports Adamawa following declaration of a new outbreak of cholera in three Local Government Areas 

Yola, 19 June 2019 - With the notification of newly confirmed cases  from Yola North, Yola South and Girei local government areas (LGAs), the Adamawa State Ministry of Health has declared on 18 June 2019 an outbreak of cholera. As of 17 June 2019, a total of 76 cases have been reported, including one death from three LGAs Yola North (44 cases including 1 death), Yola South (1 case) and Girei (31 cases). 

In a statement on the current situation, the State Ministry of Health indicated that following the first notifications of suspected acute watery diarrhea, authorities collected samples, which tested positive for cholera. 

In response to the outbreak and with the technical support of the World Health Organization (WHO) and other partners, the State Ministry of Health activated    the Emergency Operation Centre to coordinate the response and deployed Rapid Response Teams to the most affected communities to facilitate outbreak investigation, case identification, community sensitization  and prompt referral to the designated cholera treatment centre at the Yola Specialist Hospital. 

Additionally, a 24-hour ambulance service and toll free numbers were made operational to ease the movement of suspected cases from the communities to the health facilities. Healthcare workers in the affected and at-risk communities have also be trained on case detection, reporting and clinical management.   Advocacy visits have been paid to community leaders all affected wards to support social mobilization.  

Early detection and reporting of cases are essential for the effective containment of cholera outbreaks and overall control of transmission. WHO is therefore further assisting the state authorities by coordinating house-to-house case search for suspected cases encouraging individuals with cholera-like symptoms to be promptly report to designated health facilities.

In support of this activity, WHO trained 30 community informants currently working in the three affected LGAs and 21 laboratory focal persons on sample collection, packaging, transportation and cholera diagnosis.  WHO will also support the treatment of patients through the training of healthcare workers on case management, supporting the staffing of the cholera treatment center, and the provision of logistical support for the treatment of patients, including prepositioning of supplies and commodities. 

The Officer-In-Charge for WHO Nigeria, Dr Clement Peter, stressed WHO’s commitment to support Adamawa State contain the outbreak.  “Through its presence in the field, local knowledge of the environment, technical expertise and coordination of the health sector, WHO is actively engaged in assisting Adamawa in controlling the outbreak. Alongside other health sector partners, WHO will maintain and increase this support to the State authorities if necessary to ensure that the outbreak does not spread beyond the current affected areas.”   

The WHO intervention is implemented in close coordination with the  State Ministry of Health, Adamawa State Primary Health Care Development Agency,  State Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Agency, State Ministry of Environment  and partners from the health and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene WaSH) sectors including UNICEF, the International Rescue Committee, and the International Committee of the Red Cross.

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