Training journalists on road safety reporting

Training journalists on road safety reporting

As part of the Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS), WHO has engaged with journalists in the country through tailored workshops on road safety. The aim is to increase media interest in and understanding of road safety as a critical health and development issue. Recently another batch of 16 journalists participated in a training workshop as part of the 2019 Media Fellowship implemented by the WHO Country Office together with the Ministries of Health, Information, and Education, and the police. Facilitated by a media trainer from WHO headquarters, the workshop convened 12 new fellows and 4 former fellows from around the country to ensure knowledge sharing and foster a community of practice. Road safety reporting fellowships are long-term engagement programmes aimed at building the technical capacities as well as the specific journalistic skills required to improve the quality of reporting on road safety, particularly in the areas of data journalism and solutions journalism. By the end of the fellowship each journalist will have published at least 5 in-depth investigative pieces on road safety or other editorial projects. In Tanzania, since the beginning of BIGRS in 2015, almost 50 journalists have been trained following this model and about 200 in-depth stories and reportages have been published.

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Dr Neema Kileo

Email: kileon [at]
Tel: +255 755 551 804