Ministry 0f Health and World Health Organization Hold a Two-day Planning Workshop on Programme Budget 2020-2021

Ministry 0f Health and World Health Organization Hold a Two-day Planning Workshop on Programme Budget 2020-2021

BANJUL, 3 SEPTEMBER 2019: “We value the impact of the work of the World Health Organization on the lives of our populations and its leadership in steering global health”.  These were the words of the Honorable Minister of Health of the Republic of the Republic of The Gambia, Dr. Ahmadou Lamin Samateh, delivered at the opening of a two-day Programme Budget 2020-2021Planning Workshop jointly organized by the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organiztaion.

The Honourable Minister advised participants, as they identify priority interventions, to be mindful of the synergy and complementarity of the different programmes and interventions to avoid duplication of efforts.  He therefore urged participants to work closely together in planning, implementing and monitoring activities.   He thanked WHO for the excellent collaboration with and support to the Ministry of Health.

For his part, the WHO Representative, Dr. Desta Tiruneh, briefed participants on the new changes as well as the strategic shift initiated by the Organization in line with the principles and objectives of the 13th Global Programme of Work 2019-2023. In particular, Dr. Tiruneh elaborated on the value for money concept as a guide to improving efficiency and effectiveness in the allocation and use of resources.

In conclusion, Dr. Tiruneh thanked the Ministry of Health for the continued collaboration, and assured the health authorities of the WHO’s continued support in implementing the country’s health priority interventions

The meeting is being attended by Directors and Progranmne Managers from the Ministry of Health and Programme Officers from WHO Country Office.

The following expected results are envisage at the end of the two-day meeting:

  • Consensus reached on the priorities for the Programme Budget 2020-2021
  • A draft Programme Budget 2020-2021


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Mr. Momodou Gassama

Health Promotion Officer
Email: gassamam [at]
Tel: +220 4462286

Mr. George. Williams

Health Information Assistant
Email: williamsg [at]
Tel: +220 4462284