KOICA Partners, WHO and Partners Conduct Consultative Meeting to Make Health Services Resilient for Emergency Response in Liberia

KOICA Partners, WHO and Partners Conduct Consultative Meeting to Make Health Services Resilient for Emergency Response in Liberia

Group Photo with Her Excellency the Minister of Health; KOICA-WHO Health Service Resilience Project - Stakeholders Consultative Meeting, Gbarnga, Bong County, LiberiaGbarnga, 12th October 2019:  The Korean International Co-operation Agency (KOICA) ,  WHO in collaboration with the National Public Health Institute of Liberia (NPHIL)  and the Ministry of Health (MOH) has ended  a  high level technical consultative meeting to mark the implementation of a 5-year project on “Making Health Services Resilient with Quality and Preparedness for Emergency response” in Liberia. The meeting which was held at the at Passion Hotel in Bong County from 8th to 10th October 2019 was attended by over 45 participants representing various health officials from Bong, Lofa and Grand Cape Mount counties; NPHIL, MoH and in-country partners and three levels of WHO; Country Office, Africa Regional Office and Head Quarters.

Dr. Wilhelmina Jallah, Minister of Health, Liberia, officially opened the meeting in the presence of the Honorable Tolbert G. Nyenswah, Director General, NPHIL, Dr. Mesfin G. Zbelo, WHO Country Representative in Liberia, Mr. Kayode Adebisi, KOICA Office Representative in Nigeria, WHO Headquarters, Dr. Mekdim A. Ayana WHO Africa Regional Office Inter-Country Support Team and other partners.

In her opening remarks Dr. Jallah highlighted that, the health service resilient project being funded by KOICA is an opportunity for the country to consolidate past and current efforts being made on quality and emergency preparedness.

Speaking during the opening of the meeting, Dr. Mesfin, WHO-Liberia Country Representative (a.i) highlighted that, the project is aligned with Liberia’s commitment to meet the objectives of Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) and International Health Regulations (IHR 2005). He then pledged support of his office for its successful implementation of the project. 

Dr. Sohel Saikat, KOICA Project Lead, provided a global perspective on health security, Universal Health Coverage and how the project is designed to enhance the health service resilience and bridging between health services, animal health and public health for sector-wide emergency preparedness. Closing up on remarks, Dr. Saikat emphasized the need for national ownership of the project which according to him will draw wider and further support for Liberia and subsequently position Liberia as an example that other countries can learn from in building health service resilience.

The 5-year project on “Making Health Services Resilient with Quality and Preparedness for Emergency response” in Liberia is being funded by the Korean International Co-operation Agency (KOICA) with World Health Organization (WHO) as the responsible agency for implementation in partnership with NPHIL and MOH.

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Mr. Moses Bolongie

National Infection Prevention and Control Officer


Tel: + (231) 770205707

Email: bolongiem [at] who.int



Dr. Louis Ako Egbe

International Consultant

WHO/KOICA Project, Liberia

akol [at] who.int


Mrs. Vachel Harris Lake

Health Information and Promotion officer
Tel :    +(231) 776532008
Email:   lakev [at] who.int