Accelerating Steps towards Ending AIDS by 2030

Accelerating Steps towards Ending AIDS by 2030

Investing in health systems to achieve the ambitious 90-90-90 target
Dr Matshidiso Moeti was a panelist at a side-event on Sunday 29 March 2015 co-organized by UNAIDS, the Republic of South Africa, UNECA, AUC and the Diagnostics Access Initiative as part of the Eighth Conference of African Ministers of Finance. The side event, themed, “Ending AIDS by 2030: The 90-90-90 target as a platform for sound investments, social entrepreunership and economic development,” brought together participants from the African Union Commission, Member States, UNAIDS, PEPFAR, Clinton Health Access Initiative, Global Fund, AfDB and other stakeholders.

The Side-Event aimed to increase awareness of the investment case for Ending AIDS by 2030 and accelerated HIV treatment scale-up towards the 90-90-90 target; explore how such a scale-up can strengthen national industrial development, galvanize local manufacturing and enhance opportunities for social entrepreneurship; and share the experience of the global agreement on viral load test price reduction, and examine how it can be leveraged to accelerate treatment scale-up and generate further economic returns. 

Dr Moeti underscored the need for increased investments in the HIV/AIDS response, saying, “Ending the AIDS Epidemic is a key priority for WHO. If we invest in health system strengthening, we will deliver the results of 90-90-90.  WHO is committed to working with partners to fight for universal health access, health financing and work towards combating communicable diseases including HIV as part of the post 2015 development agenda.” 

Other panelists at the event included Dr Luiz Loures, UN Assistant-Secretary-General and Deputy Executive Director of UNAIDS, Dr Mustapha Kaloko, African Union Commissioner for Social Affairs, Hon Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, Minister of Health of the Republic of South Africa, Hon Dr Mhlanhla Nene, Minister of Finance of the Republic of South Africa, Ms Takyiwaa Mahuh, Director of Social Development Policy Division of the UNECA and Dr Sam Badara, Chief of Special Initiatives of UNAIDS. The speakers explained the need for increased and timely investment towards Ending AIDS by 2030, making a strong case for the ambitious 90-90-90 Target: 90% of all people living with HIV will know their HIV status, 90% of all people with diagnosed HIV infection will receive sustained antiretroviral therapy and 90% of all people receiving antiretroviral therapy will have viral suppression.

The meeting concluded that with sound investments and economic developments, it is possible to meet these targets, noting also the need to include all dimensions relating to HIV/AIDS, including reproductive health, displaced populations and urban slums in the equation when drawing plans towards stepping up efforts to End AIDS by 2030.

For more information, please contact:

Dr Esther Aceng,

email: acenge [at]" target="_blank">acenge [at]
Photo: WHO Ethiopia, UNAIDS

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