Liberia Stakeholders Recommit to Keep the Promise on Universal Health Coverage Day

Liberia Stakeholders Recommit to Keep the Promise on Universal Health Coverage Day

Dr.Zbelo, WR ai Liberia Country Office with Deputy Health Minister Ms. Norwu Howard during the commemoration of UHC Day in MonroviaMonrovia, 12th December 2019: The World Health Organization country for Liberia in collaboration with the Ministry of Health (MOH) and partners on 12 December commemorated Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Day under the theme, “KEEP THE PROMISE” with the Deputy Minister of Health, Ms. Norwu Howard reminding all stakeholders of the Country’s commitment to championing UHC and reaffirming the country’s intent to achieve health . UHC Day is celebrated as an annual reassembling point for the growing movement for health for all. It marks the anniversary of the United Nation’s historic and unanimous endorsement of UHC in 2012.

In commemoration of the day, an elaborate press conference was held at the Ministry of Health in Monrovia bringing together County Health Officers, representatives from the World Bank, USAID, Civil Society Organizations, Media, staff from the Ministry of Health and WHO and other partners.

  “ Ladies and gentlemen, I invite you to close your eyes and imagine with me for a minute a Liberia where all citizens can receive quality healthcare right outside their door stairs, where a mother can deliver a baby safely and go back home happily, where the elderly, under five children pregnant women can access free and quality health care they trust, where the government and people with more resources pay for health insurance for the poor and vulnerable.  Now open your eyes, it is a big dream, isn’t it? But I am optimistic that all these can be achieved by us, as a country by following the blue print of the Sustainable Development Goals “says Ms. Norwu Howard, Deputy Health Minister during the press conference on UHC Day.

Speaking during the press conference, Dr. Mesfin G. Zbelo, Acting WHO Liberia Country Representative told the gathering that UHC Day aims to raise awareness of the need for strong and resilient health system and UHC. He highlighted that the Day’s theme: “Keep the Promise” refers to the commitment that leaders from all United Nations Member States including Liberia unanimously committed to achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC) by 2030 in the most ambitious political declaration on health in history. He then called on the Government of Liberia, partners and all stakeholders to jointly raise awareness and advocate for the need for strong and resilient health system, to share the stories of the millions of people still waiting for access quality health care they need and to make bigger and smarter investment in Primary Health Care and health system strengthening.

As part of activities carried out in commemoration of the Day, a joint WHO and MOH press release was published in three local print media. Similarly, the Liberia Immunization Platform which is a consortium of over 40 diverse Civil Society Organizations organized a program at the community level to create awareness on UHC and remind the public of their roles and responsibilities in achieving UHC.

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