Uganda commences field data collection to inform the Population Based HIV Impact Assessment Survey (UPHIA 2020)

Uganda commences field data collection to inform the Population Based HIV Impact Assessment Survey (UPHIA 2020)

Kampala, 10 February 2020:- The Ministry of Health launched data collection exercise for the Uganda Population-Based HIV Impact Assessment Survey 2020, (UPHIA2020) intended to provide national and regional estimates of HIV, incidence, prevalence, viral Load suppression and other programme indicators of coverage, outcome and impact in Uganda.

The UPHIA 2020 builds on the UPHIA 2016 and updates the progress towards the global targets. The survey will also inform the setting of realistic annual targets for epidemic control geared towards ending AIDS as a public health problem in Uganda.

Uganda committed to the ambitious UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets by 2020, as part of the Fast Track Strategy for ending AIDS by 2030. The survey will, therefore, provide valid estimates of a range of HIV indicators for the country.

The data will also be crucial in informing the Ministry of Health annual budget planning processes, the planning for the Global Fund support and for the subsequent PEPFAR Country Operational Plans.

While commissioning the UPHIA field data collection exercise, the Minister of Health Dr Jane Ruth Aceng informed the public that the survey is, for the first time, providing HIV program impact assessment indicators such as HIV incidence and Viral Load Suppression (VLS) which are the more sensitive bio-markers of the progress towards epidemic control.

Dr Aceng also informed the public that the country has registered a decline in new HIV infections within the last 5-6 years, from 100,000 in 2010 to 53,000, and AIDS-related death from 60,000 in 2010 to 23,000.

“We, therefore, request that this activity is taken seriously and accurate data collected, to better inform our planning processes”, she said.

The USAID Mission Director, Joakim Parker applauded Uganda for undertaking the UPHIA to inform planning. He noted that surveys not only provide accurate data but also prevent wastage of resources. He further committed the support of the United States government to ensure that Uganda ends the HIV epidemic.

The World Health Organization (WHO) Representative in Uganda, Dr Yonas Tegegn Woldemariam reiterated WHO’s commitment to supporting research, evidence generation and monitoring of disease trends as articulated in its core functions.

He also echoed the Minister’s message calling on the field data collection teams to ensure quality and timely data collection that will inform the National HIV/AIDS response.

Over the last four decades, Uganda has borne the disproportionate burden of HIV/AID. Uganda’s efforts in combating the epidemic have registered considerable progress, bringing down the HIV prevalence rate from a peak of 18% in the 90s to 6% now.

“The achievements in the Uganda HIV and AIDS response have been a result of collective efforts of the Health and AIDS Development Partners such as PEPFAR, Global Fund, the UN Family- WHO, UNAIDS, UNICEF, UNFPA - and other bilateral and multilateral partners. We also appreciate the leadership and high levels of political commitment from His

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