World Health Organization: A case of COVID-19 confirmed in Mozambique

World Health Organization: A case of COVID-19 confirmed in Mozambique

Maputo - 22, March 2020 - Professor Dr. Armindo Tiago, Minister of Health of Mozambique, has reported the country’s first case of COVID-19. The patient is a 75 years old male that recently returned from United Kingdom (UK) on 20 March 2020. The patient is believed to have contracted the virus in United Kingdom.  

The Ministry of Health has publicly declared the confirmation of a first COVID-19 case in Mozambique on 22 March 2020 in Maputo, during a Press Conference which was attended by the Representative of the World Health Organization in Mozambique, Dr. Djamila Cabral.
The case was confirmed on 22 March by the National Public Health Laboratory Institute in Maputo, Mozambique. The Minister of Health informed that it is an imported case; that the patient has mild symptoms and is in self-quarantine at home in Maputo being followed-up by medical teams.

The contacts tracing and further risk assessment is in progress”, said the Minister of Health of Mozambique.

In close coordination with development partners and United Nations agencies, the World Health Organization has provided technical and material support to countries in Africa since the COVID-19 outbreak was declared to be a public health emergency of international concern. WHO has provided testing kits to national laboratories as well as training to laboratory technicians. WHO has dispatched personal protective equipment for health workers, as well as thermometers and other essential supplies for screening and handling suspect cases at airports and other Points of Entry.

While there is still much to learn about COVID-19, people can take actions to prevent the disease through simple, day-to-day measures.  These include regular hand washing with soap and water; coughing into a tissue or a bent elbow, being sure to safely dispose of the tissue afterwards; maintaining a social distance of at least one meter, particularly if that person is coughing; avoiding touching the eyes, nose and mouth; and seeking medical attention early if a person develops a fever or cough. 

For more information please contact:
Technical asistance:
Dr. Israel Gebresillassie                                                                         Dra. Sinésia Sitao
Emergency Programme, WHO Mozambique                                     Emergency Programme, WHO Mozambique                                   
+258 844093539; gebresillassiei [at]                                       +258 846723999; sitaos [at]

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MOREIRA Maria Da Gloria

Health Promotion Officer
Tel: +258 21492733
Email: moreirag [at]