World Health Organization: 17 cases of COVID-19 confirmed in Mozambique

World Health Organization: 17 cases of COVID-19 confirmed in Mozambique

Maputo – 8th, April 2020 – Mozambique has registered seven (7) new positive cases for coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in the last 24 hours, increasing the total number of confirmed cases to seventeen (17), in which nine (9) are local transmissions, announced the Ministry of Health of Mozambique.

The National Director for Public Health, Dr. Rosa Marlene, announcing the updates on the pandemic situation during the daily press conference in Maputo, affirmed that the seven (7) cases were confirmed by the Virology Laboratory of the National Institute of Health (INS). From those new cases, six (6) are derived from Afungi in the Northern Province of Cabo Delgado and one (1) from Maputo, capital of Mozambique.

The Virology Laboratory is part of the network of laboratories of the World Health Organization (WHO) that can undertake viral respiratory infections tests.

“In Mozambique, (…) until today, 8 April 2020, 467 suspected cases were tested, of which 43 in the last 24 hours. (…) Thus, currently, our country has 17 positive cases for COVID-19, of which nine (9) are local transmissions and eight (8) are imported cases” revealed, Dr. Rosa Marlene. 

On the occasion, the Director General of the National Institute of Health, Dr. Illesh Jane, underlined that “this is a very complex investigation because part of the contacts that needs to be tracked are in the Mozambican provinces of Nampula and Cabo Delgado and 14 contacts are overseas, namely in South Africa, Australia, United States of America, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. “

“In relation to contacts living abroad, we are working with WHO for the appropriate procedures to be put in place”, explained Dr. Illesh.

The Director General of the National Institute of Health informed that the investigation carried out in Cabo Delgado allowed the mapping of 66 contacts, of which 64 from the professional and two (2) from the family.

“All mapped contacts are in quarantine, with 35 in Afungi, Cabo Delgado, and 17 in the cities of Maputo, Nampula and Cabo Delgado” said Dr. Illesh. He also added that “even today the National Institute of Health will receive 11 samples that will be tested and, until tomorrow, we will be able to know the respective results”.

The Ministry of Health reiterates the need for strict compliance with preventive measures, namely:

  • Submit to mandatory quarantine all people who have recently traveled overseas, for those arriving in Mozambique and for all people who have had direct contact with positive cases of COVID-19;
  • Prohibit the holding of public and private events, such as religious cults, cultural or recreational activities, sportive, political, associative or touristic activities amongst other. Exception will be granted for urgent State matters or social issues;
  • Limit the internal movement of people across the national territory;
  • Limit the entry of people at land borders, airports and ports, except for reasons of interest to the State, transport of goods and assets by duly accredited operators and health-related situations;
  • Close down leisure commercial establishments or similar ones, or, when applicable, reduce their activity during the day;
  • Introduce job rotation or other work modalities depending on the specificities of the public and private sector; and
  • Ensure the implementation of prevention measures established by the Ministry of Health in all public and private institutions.

H.E. President Filipe Nyusi promulgated on 1st April the law ratifying the presidential decree installing a State of Emergency in Mozambique which will last for a period of 30 days, coming into force at 0h00 on 1st April in all national territory. Its duration period can be extended if required.

The Law that ratifies the Presidential Decree on the State of Emergency in Mozambique was approved by the Assembly of the Republic, Mozambican Parliament, on 31 March 2020.

While there is still much to learn about COVID-19, people can take actions to prevent the disease through simple, day-to-day measures.  These include regular hand washing with soap and water; coughing into a tissue or a bent elbow, being sure to safely dispose of the tissue afterwards; maintaining a social distance of at least one meter, particularly if that person is coughing; avoiding touching the eyes, nose and mouth; and seeking medical attention early if a person develops a fever or cough. 

For more information please contact:
Technical asistance:
Dr. Israel Gebresillassie                                                   Dra. Sinésia Sitao
Emergency Programme, WHO Mozambique                Emergency Programme, WHO Mozambique
+258 844093539; GEBRESILLASSIEi [at]             +258 846723999; sitaos [at]


Glória Moreira                                                              Helvisney Cardoso
Communications Officer, WHO Mozambique         Communications Specialist, UN Mozambique
+258 842935263; moreirag [at]                       +258 840448997; Helvisney.cardoso [at] 

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Pour de plus amples informations ou pour demander des interviews, veuillez contacter :
MOREIRA Maria Da Gloria

Health Promotion Officer
Tel: +258 21492733
Email: moreirag [at]