‘Let’s fight this together,’ urges Nigerian COVID-19 survivor

‘Let’s fight this together,’ urges Nigerian COVID-19 survivor

Abuja, 25 April 2020 -  Thirty-five-year old Salihu Umar was diagnosed with COVID-19 after returning from a six-day trip to London in March 2020. Although asymptomatic, he tested positive and underwent treatment. Having recovered and back with his family in the Nigerian capital Abuja, the father of three stresses the importance of getting tested especially after having travelled to an area affected by the virus. 

“I initially did not show any symptoms. Knowing fully well about the guidelines for people who travelled to high risk areas like the UK, I self-isolated for a day and decided to get in touch with the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) to take the COVID-19 test to be on the safe side. 

Health officials showed up … they promised to get back to me the next day or later that same day.  It however took three days to get a response from them. (Days later) I got a call from a doctor who introduced herself as an NCDC official. She broke the unfortunate news that my result turned out positive. She added that they need to take another sample to rerun the test for confirmation. I could not believe her as I was not showing any symptoms. At some point I felt it was a mistake, but I couldn’t do anything to prove them wrong as that’s the only place that runs the tests. 

In a few minutes, NCDC officials picked me from my house to Gwagwalada isolation centre. Upon arrival, I was examined by a doctor and placed on some medications. The doctors gave me some counselling and assured me of their commitment to making sure we make it out of the isolation centre healthy. The doctor added that even though I was asymptomatic, I still needed to commence treatment as soon as possible. 

I had mixed feelings, especially knowing that the disease has no cure and the number of people the virus kills every day.

It was quite depressing, being confined in a facility away from family and friends. It was the first time I was in that kind of situation. I was always (up and about) and suddenly I couldn't move. From face timing (online chatting) with my family to tweeting and linking up with friends to sending emails. There was no time my kids missed me for one day. We were always connected.

A week into my isolation, another sample was taken to see how I was progressing. Unfortunately, it still came back positive. At that point I was losing hope for survival. The doctors assured me of my progress, saying I was doing well…

Lo and behold, another sample was taken on the twelfth day of isolation and it came out negative. Another one was taken after a few days and was still negative. I was free to go but was advised to self-isolate for one more week to ensure full recuperation and completion of the drugs which I did and finally finish without showing any more symptoms. That was the last time I heard from NCDC.

I’m so grateful to the NCDC, World Health Organization and all the doctors and the nurses in Nigeria who risked their lives to save my life.

For those battling COVID-19, I want you to know that this disease is not a death sentence. Never succumb to fear. 
As for other people hiding their travel history and symptoms for fear of social stigma, you can do better. Let us fight this together. Do the necessary. Go get tested.”

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