The World Health Organization receives commendation on its role of water management

The World Health Organization receives commendation on its role of water management

ACCRA, 26 JULY 2008 -- His Majesty King Tackie Tawiah III, King of the Ga State has paid glowing tribute to the World Health Organization (WHO) for ensuring the safe treatment and storage of water for household use.

Speaking from his Palace in Accra when he received a high-powered delegation from the WHO Country Office, King Tackie Tawiah said the vagaries of the weather pattern on water sources combined with the demands of recent times make it very necessary to properly manage the storage and use of household water to ensure good health for citizen the world over.

The eight-member delegation from WHO led by Dr Joaquim Saweka, WHO Representative was at the Palace to show gratitude to King Tackie Tawiah for presiding over the recently held International Symposium on Household Water Management and the 4th Annual Meeting of the International Network to promote Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage which took place in Accra from 2-5 June 2008

WHO delegation with King Tackie Tawiah, Chiefs and elders of the Ga State

King Tackie Tawiah who sat in state in a mini durbar of Chiefs and elders of the Ga State thanked WHO for giving him the opportunity to participate in the International Symposium and also to Ghana for hosting such an august meeting attended by delegates from various organizations and countries worldwide.

The King said the forum gave him the opportunity to interact and share ideas with scientists, representatives of public and private institutions as well as NGOs and social workers in the area of water management topics and issues discussed at the Symposium was still fresh on his mind. He pledged his support to the management of household water especially in the Accra municipality which has in recent times faced some water shortages.

Dr Saweka on behalf of the Director General of WHO, the UN Agencies and other Development Partners thanked King Tackie Tawiah for accepting to chair the meeting organized jointly by WHO, UNICEF and the Government of Ghana. He said His Majesty's participation and contribution to the international meeting has made him a strong partner for health development.

Dr Joaquim Saweka, expressed his appreciation to His Majesty for the "honour done WHO and indeed Ghana, adding that the Organization recognizes the role that traditional leaders can play in health development and so would tap on vast knowledge coupled with their authority to influence a large number of their kingsmen.

Dr Saweka on behalf of the WCO presented traditional token gifts as well as books and publications of WHO to his Majesty. The WHO publications including Working for Health: An introduction to the World Health Organization and The WHO year in Review 2006.

Present at the ceremony were some chiefs and elders of the Ga State and staff member seven other staff members of WHO. Among his Majesty's elders were Nii Adote Obour II, Sempe Mantse; Nii Kojo Ababio V, King of Ngleshie Alata; Nii Kwashie Anaafi IV, Osu Alata Dzasetse; Nii Ayikai III, Akumanjay; Nii Tetteh Kwei II,Ga Dzasetse and Nii Kofi Akrashie I, Oshie Mantse.

The WCO delegation was made up of Dr Harry Opata, Country Adviser, communicable Diseases Prevention and Control, Mrs Sakyibea Akuffo-Parry in charge of WCO Administrative, Ms Sophia Twum-Barima, Country Adviser, Health Information and promotion. Other members of the delegation were Mrs Cynthia Hagan, Mrs Agnes Badger, Ms Marian Laryea and Mr Dan Nsiah Yeboa, all of the Administration Unit of WCO.

Pour de plus amples informations ou pour demander des interviews, veuillez contacter :
Ms Sophia Twum-Barima

Health Information and Promotion Officer
Telephone: 00 233 21 763018/9