Situation reports on COVID-19 outbreak - Sitrep 33, 14 October 2020
The number of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases in the WHO African Region is now at 1 232 030 with 27 684 deaths. During the last seven days (7 to 13 October 2020), a total of 29 618 new confirmed COVID-19 cases and 1 172 new deaths were reported from 45 countries, compared to 26 416 cases and 668 deaths registered during the previous seven days (30 September - 7 October 2020). Even though the daily incidence is still on the downward trend since the 24 July 2020, with an estimated 36 days of halving time, the number of new cases in the last seven days increased slightly by 12% compared to the prior seven days.
Read full situation report on COVID-19 outbreak - Sitrep 33, 14 October 2020
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