Botswana Launches National Guideline For Implementation Of Integrated Community-Based Health Services

Botswana Launches National Guideline For Implementation Of Integrated Community-Based Health Services

Gaborone, Botswana - 12 November 2020: The Minister of Health and Wellness (MOHW), Honourable Dr Edwin G. Dikoloti officially launched the National Integrated Community-Based Health Services (ICBHS) guideline. In his remarks, the Minister stated that it is in the interest of the MOHW to ensure that basic health services are accessible to all, which resonates well with the ministry's vision of a healthy and vibrant nation. The guideline is premised on World Health Organization (WHO) normative guidance and support for the re-structuring and re-orientation of Botswana’s health services to ensure equity in access and service provision.

Seeking to promote an integrated approach to community-based health service delivery and standardize a minimum package of community-based health interventions, the guideline also reflects the country’s commitment to local and global health sector goals. It furthermore aims at strengthening the coordination and management of community-based health services through harmonized community health worker groups; leadership and governance groups as well as strengthening information management for integrated community-based health services.
MOHW worked collaboratively with the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development, and supported by PEPFAR, USAID, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The guideline draws from and reflects current and future health sector reforms aimed at the provision of quality health care for all in line with achieving universal health coverage.
Speaking at the launch, the WHO Health System Strengthening Advisor, Dr Juliet E. Bataringaya, indicated that WHO encourages Governments to ensure universal health coverage, ensuring that people access quality essential health services wherever they are, whatever their circumstances without feeling a heavy financial burden. She further added that WHO is committed to support the country's efforts in addressing the health needs of all who live in it, and in the march towards attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The ICBHS guideline will benefit various actors and stakeholders including policymakers, managers, Ministries and Community Health Workers (CHW) who are responsible for managing and implementing community-based health services. The guideline mirrors the primary health care guideline in the way the minimum package is developed. The guideline is intended to be easy to read and user friendly and will be placed in all facilities for reference. It also includes a curriculum for CHWs in the era of COVID-19.
''The United States (US) has a long commitment to continue supporting and partnering where we can to improve community-based health systems to save the lives of Batswana'' said the US Ambassador, His Excellency Craig L. Cloud when he spoke at the event. Ambassador Cloud further emphasized that Batswana will be able to get health services at community level the same way as everybody in Botswana regardless of where they are.

The launch was attended by Government officers from different ministries, development partners, private sector, civil society organizations and service providers.

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