Inauguration of the Virtual Training Laboratory and launching of training of Nurses in NCD Prevention and Control in Mauritius

Inauguration of the Virtual Training Laboratory and launching of training of Nurses in NCD Prevention and Control in Mauritius

The Minister of Health and Wellness inaugurated the Virtual Training Laboratory and launched the training of Nurses on NCD Prevention and Control on 03 December 2020 in the presence of the WHO Representative in Mauritius, Dr Laurent Musango and the high- level officials of the Ministry.   The close collaboration of WHO in setting up this virtual platform for continuous capacity building of the health personnel was duly recognized by Dr Hon Kailash Kumar Jagutpal, Minister of Health and Wellness.


“The Health Sector is evolving and dynamic.  It is a sector which is now and then confronted with new disease, new treatment protocol and best practices and we have to always keep abreast with latest development taking place,” said Dr Hon K. K. Jagutpal.


The Health Minister explained how COVID-19 impacted on exchange programmes and the challenges faced by the Ministry including identification of venue and travel restrictions which made it impossible to get experts from abroad.  He further added that, “the virtual mode, though not a new concept has become importance with the ongoing pandemic. The e-platform was used for e-briefing and during e-working sessions and this new experience brought multi benefits including reduction in implementing cost.”


“Health Professionals need to continuously update their knowledge and best practices,” said Dr Hon K. K. Jagutpal to the NCD nurses who are participating in a five-day intensive NCD Prevention and Control training.


“We are grateful to WHO for the unflinching support provided to the Ministry in setting up this Virtual Training Laboratory,” said Dr K. K. Jagutpal, before adding, “the upgrading of knowledge of the health professionals is critical for improvement in the quality of health care delivery.”  The Minister of Health and Wellness highlighted that in Mauritius, NCD remains a major issue in the country and the health care professionals have the duty and responsibility to work towards reducing the prevalence of diseases


The Virtual Training Laboratory is fully equipped with conferencing facilities, computers and internet connection, aims at providing the users with the best possible environment and experience to study.  It has the capacity to accommodate some 18 participants for virtual training and some additional 30 participants in a conferencing mode.  The training centre will provide global and national online training content including from WHO to a wider health care staff and frontline workers of the Ministry of Health and Wellness. 


Dr Laurent Musango, WHO Representative in Mauritius, during his address, spoke about the unprecedented challenges faced by countries due to the COVID-19 pandemic including a heavy financial toll on businesses and the global economy. 


“COVID-19 resulted in schools, colleges, universities being closed for a significant period during the outbreak and disrupted the education cycle.  Everything was brought to a halt”, added Dr L. Musango.  “COVID-19 also resulted in new knowledge, information, and guidance on prevention, treatment, and management of COVID-19 that had to be continuously disseminated to our health care workers,” added the WHO Representative in Mauritius.


“COVID-19 also gives rise to dramatic change in the delivery of information and education with the distinctive rise of e-learning, whereby teaching is undertaken remotely and on digital platforms,” said Dr L. Musango


The vital role of nurses and midwives, who are often the first and only point of care in their communities, in providing health services was highlighted both the Minister of Health and Wellness and the WHO Representative in Mauritius. 


“In Mauritius, Nurses constitute 53.5% of the total health workforce available and it is good to know that the density of Nurses in Mauritius is above the benchmark threshold of 50%,” highlighted the WHO Representative in Mauritius, who added that the training comes in an important year as 2020 is the International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife.


Some 100 nurses in Mauritius and 10 from Rodrigues will be trained on NCD in group of 25 to reinforce their knowledge and skills in view of delivering quality health care services.  The participants will be refreshed on the principles of health promotion, major NCDs and their risk factors and hand on screening techniques as well as participate in a visit to the NCD screening sites.


The unveiling of the Inaugural Plaque by Dr Hon K. K. Jagutpal and Dr L. Musango, was preceded by a virtual intervention of Professor Paul Zimmet from Australia, a close collaborator of the Ministry of Health and Wellness since 1978.


Professor P. Zimmet, during the zoom meeting, congratulated the Prime Minister of Mauritius and the Minster of Health and Wellness in tackling COVID-19.  He pointed out that Mauritius ‘is a real example for the rest of the world.  He acknowledged the good work done by the Ministry of Health and Wellness which received the Public Officers Staff Welfare Gold Medal for the timely response to COVID-19. 


“The work done by the Mauritius team is incredible and the rest of the world has to learn from the country. There was a great danger from COVID-19 due to the high rate of diabetes in Mauritius.  The careful implementation of the recommendations from WHO also explained the achievements of the country in tackling the pandemic,” concluded Prof. P. Zimmet.

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