Rwanda commemorates Integrated Mother and Child Health Week

Rwanda commemorates Integrated Mother and Child Health Week

From 30 March to 3 April 2015, Rwanda organized its annual Integrated Mother and Child Health (MCH) Week. The MCH Week takes place twice a year and serves as an opportunity to catch up with health service provisions to particularly vulnerable, hard to reach communities and children that are eligible for vaccination but have not yet received it.

This year’s launching ceremony took place in Bugesera District, Eastern Province on 30 March. The Guest of Honour of the ceremony was the Minister of State in charge of Public Health and Primary Health Care. Among other guests were the Governor of Eastern Province, and the Mayor of Bugesera District. The United Nations Agencies were also represented by UNFPA, UNICEF and WHO. Other Partners present were USAID, US Embassy and Girl Hub.

In his speech, the Minister of State recalled to communities that this important initiative of Mother and Child Health Week has improved lives of mothers and children by covering early and basic health needs of communities. He also highlighted that Rwanda, due to this annual activity among others, is reaching progressively many Millennium Development Goal (MDG) targets.

Others speakers of the day were "One UN" Representative, US Embassy and Governor of the Province. The UNFPA Representative, on behalf of "One UN", congratulated the Ministry of Health for organizing every year the MCH Week, with well planned activities targeting all citizens for their well-being, especially women and children. He also promised that UN Agencies will continue to support the Government’s efforts to improve health of communities, especially the more vulnerable. UN Agencies, such as UNFPA, UNICEF and WHO have been actively involved technically in the preparation and organization of MCH Week.

During this MCH Week, around 5 million of children aged 9 months to 16 years old were targeted. The Week also included various interventions such as immunization to children 0 to 15 months of age, de-worming of children 1 to 15 years of age, distribution of vitamin A supplements for all children under five and breastfeeding mothers.

The campaign also focused on family planning sensitization to males and females in the reproductive age as well as social mobilization and advocacy to promote hand washing, malaria prevention and correct use of mosquito nets, and the importance of antenatal care among others. Mosquito bed nets were distributed to population of 10 Districts with high malaria prevalence.

The 12+ Program to empower young girls was also part of the campaign. This programme is a mentorship and safe-spaces activity designed to enable 10-12 years old girls to become informed decision-makers on issues around their reproductive health among others. The activities are performed every weekend and the girls take part in fun learning activities to work through a diverse curriculum that covers a range of issues from friendship, sexual and reproductive health, gender-based violence, education and financial literacy.

The 12+ Program is implemented in all 30 administrative Districts across the country by three non-governmental organisations, "Imbuto" Foundation, Caritas and World Relief.


For more information, please contact:

Gasherebuka Jean Bosco
Email: gasherebukab [at]

01. 30th March 2015, Bugesera District, Eastern Province Launching of MCH week

02. View of young students in the ceremony.

03. Administration of Mebendazole by the Mayor of Bugesera District.

04. Distribution of mosquito bed nets by Governor of Eastern Province

05. Interview of Minister of State in the Ministry of Health

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