WHO Representative mission highlights in Zanzibar

WHO Representative mission highlights in Zanzibar

4 June 2021, Zanzibar: The President of Zanzibar and Chairman of the Revolutionary Council, Dr. Hussein Ali Mwinyi received the WHO Representative to United Republic of Tanzania, Dr. Tigest Ketsela in the State House early in June 2021. During the meeting, His Excellency the President acknowledged the continued support of the World Health Organization since the early 1950’s to improve the health status of Tanzanians and the Zanzibar population. He reiterated that strengthening health systems is the way for providing quality health services and ensure health security in the islands. The President also confirmed that Zanzibar will continue to collaborate with WHO in the fight against the COVID19 pandemic including in the application to the COVAX facility for accessing COVID19 vaccine for the population. 

The WHO representative in her part, thanked His Excellency Dr. Hussein Ali Mwinyi, for the continued support and collaboration with WHO and confirmed that WHO will continue to provide technical and financial support to strengthen and create resilient health systems that can withstand shocks due to the recurrent epidemics in the islands.

Before meeting the President, Dr. Tigest Ketsela had a courtesy call to the Honorable Minister of Health, Nassor Ahmed Mazrui, and his team and discussed various areas of WHO support to Zanzibar. The Minister thanked for the continued WHO’s support to the island and reminded to continue the excellent collaboration. The Representative confirmed WHO’s unwavering support to the MOH and thanked for the excellent collaboration and partnership of the MOH with WHO.

Later in the day, Dr. Tigest also visited Mnazi Mmoja Referral Hospital where WHO supported the introduction of Electronic Medical Recording System and integration of ICD11 into the system and the Public Health Emergency Operations Center (PHEOC) established with the support of WHO and partners. Dr. Andemichael Ghirmay Redae, the Liaison Officer and Public Health Advisor in the Islands accompanied Dr. Tigest during the mission.

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Pour de plus amples informations ou pour demander des interviews, veuillez contacter :
Dr. Ghirmay Andemichael

Liaison Officer/PHA, Zanzibar

Email:andemichaelg [at] who.int


Dr Neema Kileo

Email: kileon [at] who.int
Tel: +255 755 551 804