WHO and CDC honour health workers for making the ultimate sacrifice

WHO and CDC honour health workers for making the ultimate sacrifice

Abuja, 24 May 2017 - The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control, (CDC) Foundation, have bestowed posthumous ‘Bob Keegan Polio Eradication Heroes Awards’ on two fallen polio heroes in Niger and Benue states. The Bob Keegan Polio Eradication Hero Award comprise of a plaque-certificate and cash donation of USD$2,000 to each of the awardees.

The duo of Mallam Isyaku Shata and Mr Solomon Agber, both Disease Surveillance and Notification Officers (DSNOs), were honoured in May 2017, four months after their demise while on active duty as Polio surveillance officers. The deceased lost their lives  in two separate incidents of road accidents along Ibadan-Mokwa and Ibadan-Lokoja-Markudi highways, while transporting acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) stool samples to the National Polio Laboratory in Ibadan.

Surveillance for AFP among children under 15 years, combined with collection and testing of stool samples for detection of polioviruses in WHO-accredited laboratories is the “gold standard” and primary means  of detecting poliovirus transmission. The activity is carried out by DSNOs who are primarily responsible for the collection and transportation of AFP stool samples to WHO-accredited laboratories in Nigeria.

Speaking at the presentation venues in Minna and Makurdi in Niger and Benue states respectively, Mr Fadinding Manneh the WHO Zonal Coordinator ((ZC) for the North Central Zone, commended the sacrifice and resilience of Nigeria’s frontline polio workers especially DSNOs. The ZC noted that the sacrifices of all health workers who paid the ultimate price while performing their duties will not be in vain, as WHO is committed to supporting Nigeria’s effort towards polio eradication.

He expressed hope that the award and cash donation will  motivate  other DSNOs to redouble their efforts in the quality implementation of all polio eradication activities. The ZC equally appreciated the governments of the two states for creating a conducive working environment for WHO to provide the needed technical support.

During the presentations witnessed by top government functionaries, widows and some children of the deceased expressed gratitude to WHO for facilitating recognition for the award and cash donations.

Support for polio eradication to the Federal Government of Nigeria through the WHO is made possible by funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, European Union, Government of Germany through KfW, Global Affairs Canada, USAID, Community Chest Korea through Korea Foundation for International Health (KOFIH), DFID (UK), Rotary International and the World Bank.


Technical contact:

Dr Richard Banda; Tel: +234 803 888 8269; Email: bandari [at] who.int" target="_blank">  bandari [at] who.int
Mr Fadinding Manneh; Tel: +234 803 535 4872; Email: mannef [at] who.int " target="_blank">  mannef [at] who.int 
Media contact:

Ms  Charity Warigon; Tel: +234 810 221 0093; Email: warigonc [at] who.int" target="_blank"> warigonc [at] who.int

Below :

01. Presentation of plaque-certificate to widow of Late Isyaku Yakubu, by WHO State Coordinator in Niger State

02. Presentation of  USD$2000  to widow of Late Solomon Agber, by WHO ZC.

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