Handing Over of Medical Equipment and Supplies To The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare in Support of National Ebola Preparedness and Response

Handing Over of Medical Equipment and Supplies To The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare in Support of National Ebola Preparedness and Response

The Office of the WHO Representative in collaboration with the British High Commission, on Wednesday, the 11th March 2015, handed over medical supplies and equipment for Ebola Preparedness and Response to the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MOH&SW).

The items were worth over two million Dalasis and included Heavy duty PPEs, Body bags, Triple Packaging for safe handling and shipment of suspected EVD samples, copies of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) guidelines, copies of hand hygiene posters, copies of safe EVD sample collection booklet, copies of safe EVD sample shipment booklet, sanitary materials and medicines. These donated items will further strengthen the Government’s efforts towards EVD preparedness and response in the country.

The WHO Representative, Dr. Sagoe- Moses, delivering his statement on behalf of the United Nations thanked the British High Commission in the Gambia for collaborating with WHO to give support to the Gambian people. He noted that since the start of the EVD outbreak in the Sub-region MOH&SW has been working tirelessly to put in place preparedness mechanisms to ensure that the country remains free from the deadly virus. The contribution of the British High Commission for the procurement of essential medical and non-medical items through WHO country office was highly commended.

Dr. Sagoe-Moses highlighted that since the EVD outbreak was first notified to WHO in March 2014 by the Ministry of Health of Guinea; nine other countries have reported cases of the virus. He noted with concern that although today, many of these countries are Ebola-free, or have reduced transmission, intense and widespread transmission still continues in Sierra Leone, while new cases still continue to be reported in Guinea.

He dilated on the risk of transmission of the virus to neighboring countries which still continues to remain high adding that there is no room for complacency. Importantly there is a need to intensify support to strengthen surveillance, investigation of alert cases and clinical management as response measures that were developed since March 2014.

He finally thanked partners including the British High Commission and the and assured them of WHO ‘s continued support in ensuring that the country is free from Ebola.

The British High Commissioner, H.E. Ambassador Colin Crorkin, in handing over the items, thanked WHO and the MOHSW for the good work.  He said he was impressed by the Preparedness Support Team (PST) made up of experts from WHO, CDC and other partners that visited the country three months ago and gave a positive report of Gambian level of preparedness which was  far higher than anticipated and that was done through the collaboration of the Hon Minister Omar Sey and his excellent staff at the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare and partners..

Ambassador Colin Crorkin noted that the PST team from WHO recalled particular preparedness in the rural arears and the awareness of the Gambian people. He noted that it wasn’t a panic awareness but a reasoned awareness which meant that if this country ever has to deal with the crisis of an Ebola outbreak, the people right down to the grass root levels in communities will properly prepare themselves as they have been well educated.

He said it was therefore a very easy decision to become involved and was delighted that the High Commission and British Government are involved  to hand over these materials to add to what WHO was doing.   He also stressed on the point made by Dr. Sagoe-Moses which was important and should never be overlooked thus  “The Gambia is and has always been Free from Ebola”, The level of preparedness in this country is very high he emphasized.

His message to foreigners around the world was that this country was opened for business; opened for tourism, this country suffered because of tourists who opt not to come which he though was not a good decision. He really hoped that Tourists will come flooding back for the rest of this season and next season. It was an important element of the Gambia economy and assured them that they can continue to get the excellent and very warm reception all tourists get from this smiling coast. He finally thanked WHO and MOHSW for being great partners to work with.

The Permanent Secretary, Dr. Makie Taal, deputizing for the Hon. Minister, Omar Sey thanked both WHO and the British High Commission for the timely  and kind gesture. He noted that these items will be utilized in the centers.

Dr. Taal noted that a lot of hard work had been done over a period of time, thanks to partners, retired WHO colleagues and other multinationals. He commended the different tasks forces on Ebola and their commitment to meeting regularly. He stated that with this donation it will really strengthen our preparedness and ability to protect the, Gambian people from this dreadful disease.


For more information, please contact:


Mr. Momodou Gassama, Health Promotion Officer
Email: gassamam [at] gm.afro.who.int "> gassamam [at] gm.afro.who.int
Tel.: (+220)- 4462286

Mr. George. Williams, Health Information Assistant
Email:  williamsg [at] gm.afro.who.int "> williamsg [at] gm.afro.who.int
Tel.: (+220) 4462284

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