Project committee meets to enhance ability of frontline workers in Nigeria

Project committee meets to enhance ability of frontline workers in Nigeria

4 October 2016- The World Health Organization (WHO) is implementing a Human Resource for Health (HRH) project on ‘Enhancing the ability of frontline health workers to improve health in Nigeria’ with funding from Global Affairs Canada (GAC). The project supports the Federal Ministry of Health FMOH) to strengthen human resources for health at Federal, Bauchi and Cross River States.

Moderating the 3rd project steering committee (PSC) meeting held in Abuja on 28 September, the Permanent Secretary in the FMOH, Mrs. Binta Bello; who was represented at the meeting by Mr. Mfon Bassey; informed participants that the meeting was convened for members to discuss progress made during the second year of the project implementation as well as review third year annual work plan. She welcomed the participation of regulatory bodies, heads of education institutions, Commissioners for Health of the two (2) implementing states, GAC, WHO and others at the meeting.

The Permanent Secretary further expressed Nigeria’s gratitude to the Government of Canada for the financial support provided for the project and applauded WHO and implementing partners for efforts made so far including finalization of HRH policy, HRH strategic plan, health workforce registry as well as the  accreditation for two training schools of Nursing and Midwifery in Cross River.

Dr Rex Mpazanje, the acting WHO Country Representative appreciated FMOH, Bauchi and Cross River states, for their continued oversight and support that enabled results being shared to be achieved. He also thanked the Government of Canada for funding the project.  He appealed to the two state governments to expedite their support to the training institutions so that they can all meet and maintain accreditation requirements and further appealed to the Government of Canada to consider the possible extension of the project to other HRH disadvantaged states. 

Ms. Linda Ehrichs, Counsellor and Head of Development Cooperation, Canadian High Commission in Nigeria while welcoming the PSC members to the meeting, thanked the FMOH and the implementing states for their commitment towards achieving the project’s objective. She joined in appealing for more advocacy and improved communication from the implementers for adequate budgetary allocation and timely release of funds appropriated in respective states’ 2016 budgetary allocation for HRH. 

Year two annual progress report and the year three annual work plan 2017 mid-year review date for the project were endorsed.


Technical contacts:

Dr Teniin Gakurur: +234 803 979 5149; Email: gakuruht [at]< "> gakuruht [at]

Dr Mollent Okech: +234 706 631 4825; Email: okechm [at] "> okechm [at]

Media contact:

Ms Charity Warigon; Tel: +234 810 221 0093; Email: warigonc [at]  "> warigonc [at]