World Malaria Day 2014

World Malaria Day 2014

Every year World Malaria Day (WMD) is commemorated on 25th April and The Gambia joins the rest of the international community to mark this event. The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MOH&SW), WHO (UN) and partners all gathered in Basse, Upper River Region of the country to sensitize and educate the community on prevention, control and treatment of malaria.

The Permanent Secretary (PS), Dr. Maki Taal, deputizing for the Hon. Minister, Omar Sey (MOH&SW) highlighted the malaria burden particularly in Africa which he noted is unfortunately shouldered by children and pregnant mothers and their unborn babies who are the most vulnerable. He highlighted malaria as  a major cause of death stressing  that 3000 people die of malaria every day amounting to one every 30 seconds. PS Taal  reiterated that the disease is not just  a disease  commonly associated  with poverty  but also a cause of poverty and a major hindrance to economic development.

He commended the Government of the Gambia and partners for the increase in access to malaria control interventions. He stressed that long term success will also depend on investment in on-going research and development to combat emerging threats such as parasite resistance. He concluded by saying that Gambia will continue to consolidate gains made in malaria control and prevention and work towards achieving the strategic goal of malaria elimination by 2020.

Dr. Sharmila Lareef-Jah, (DPC) representing the WHO Representative, Dr. Charles SAGOE-MOSES  and the UN System, hailed the seven-year strategic plan of the National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP)  which provides framework for the reduction of the malaria burden by 50% by 2015.However she  said ‘we cannot  afford to be complacent – we cannot afford to fail’, and there is a need to further scale up and intensify these interventions  to achieving  a near zero preventable malaria death in The Gambia.

She pointed out that intensification of efforts already undertaken to prevent malaria including universal coverage of bednets, is estimated to save the lives of up to three million African children by 2015, hence the importance  of continuing efforts and mobilizing more resources for the fight against malaria.  She finally reassured the Malaria Control Program and Ministry of Health of UN’s support and commitment to the fight against malaria in The Gambia.

The Governor of URR thanked the efforts of the health ministry and partners for their commitment and role in the fight against malaria. He then urged his people to report to the nearest health facility whenever they experience symptoms of malaria.

On his part, Mr. Balla Kandeh, Programme Manager NMCP, said the Roll Back Malaria initiative has built partnership to mobilize global support and resources to reduce the burden. He noted that this partnership has been, and remains strong, although he added, there is need and plenty of room for other sectors to join this partnership and help combat malaria. He thanked partners currently involved in malaria control activities for making the event possible.

Other speakers included the Regional Health Director who dilated on the findings from the Health Management Information System where a downward trend in the cases of malaria were  observed in the region from 2012 to 2013 by 15% for under-five and 3% for above five, with a responding low mortality. He noted that  indoor-residual spraying and the provision of mosquito nets for his region have played a major role in the current low trends recorded and appealed for intensification of efforts to ensure universal coverage.  

In attendance were high-level political leaders, community and religious leaders, women and gender groups, school children. Entertainment and malaria awareness dramas were performed by security forces and cultural groups.

As part of the commemoration of WMD 2014 a press conference was organized to brief the media, as well as radio and TV programmes on malaria and statements by the Hon. Minister and Dr. Charles Sagoe-Moses reading RD’s statement on the eve of the event.


For more details, please contact: 

Mr. Momodou Gassama - Health Promotion Officer, gassamam [at]—(+220)- 4462286

Mr. George. Williams - Health Information Assistant, williamsg [at]—(+220) 4462284        

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