WHO Representative, Dr. Sukwa, bids farewell to Gambian Vice President after more than five years of dedicated service to the Gambia

WHO Representative, Dr. Sukwa, bids farewell to Gambian Vice President after more than five years of dedicated service to the Gambia

Banjul, 19 December 2013 -- The Vice President of the Republic of the Gambia and Minister for Women’s Affairs, Dr Ajaratou Isatou Njie-Saidy, has described Dr Thomas Sukwa, out-going WHO Representative to the Gambia, as an effective, committed and flexible leader who has made a mark during his tenure of office.

The Vice President, on behalf of the Head of State, made these remarks at her office at State House this afternoon during a courtesy call on her, led by the Honorable of Health and Social Welfare, Omar Sey. The Vice President also paid tribute to Dr. Sukwa’s outstanding contributions to and achievements in the health sector during his five-years-five-months tenure of office in the Gambia. “We have noted your contributions not only to the health sector but to other pertinent sectors and areas that impact on health such as disasters and emergencies” Dr Isatou Njie-Saidy.

She applauded WHO’s leadership in the health sector and the enormous contributions it has made to uplift the health status of Gambians. She appreciated the flexibility of Dr Sukwa for being always visible and accessible whenever the call was made for help. “Had it not been the support of WHO, we would not have been where we are today in the health sector”, she noted.

By extension, The Vice President also thanked the WHO Regional Director for Africa, Dr Luis Sambo, for his unique foresight and leadership in decentralizing health services to the countries by ensuring that WHO’s support is readily accessible, available and timely. She applauded this initiative as exemplary, which should be emulated by other agencies in the Region.

In conclusion, the Vice President named Dr Sukwa as an honorary citizen of the Gambia and urged him not to forget the country wherever he might be.

The Honorable Minister of Health and Social Welfare also echoed similar sentiments, describing Dr. Sukwa as a personal mentor and a great leader who has created and is leaving behind a solid platform for the health sector - a comprehensive health policy and strategic plan - to steer the health agenda forward.

For his part, Dr Sukwa thanked the Vice President and Minister for Women’s Affairs and the entire leadership of the Government of the Gambia for creating a very enabling environment as well as the support rendered to him during his tenure of office in the Gambia which began on 22 July 2008.

He told the Vice President that, through the guidance of the WHO Regional Director and support of his colleagues and partners, a lot has been achieved during his tenure of office but was quick to mention a few:

1. A National Health Policy was finalized since 2012 and a comprehensive National Health Strategic Plan is nearing completion;

2. The Gambia’s Expanded Programme on Immunization is on solid footing with a high national coverage for at least 90% most of the routine antigens. During his tenure in office, three new vaccines were introduced namely: pneumococcal vaccine in 2010; 2nd dose of measles in 2012 as well as Rota virus vaccine in 2013. A national Men A Vaccine campaign targeting 1-29 year olds was successfully concluded on 4th December 2013 with a national coverage of 104%;

3. Technical support to HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria has also been strengthened with 74 million US Dollars mobilized for these programmes through the Global Fund since 2008. Similarly, morbidity and mortality due to malaria have significantly reduced since 2008. For example, cases of malaria dropped from about 500,000 in 2008 to under 100, 000 in 2012. Annual deaths attributable to malaria have also dropped from about 2000 in 2008 to 150 in 2012.

4. Support has also been strengthened in the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) through the creation of a health promotion and education directorate and establishment of a multi-sectoral working group for tobacco control. Dr Sukwa also noted the Gambia’s participation in the high level meetings held at regional and global levels for NCD prevention and control.

Dr Sukwa was accompanied to State House by the Honorable Minister of Health and Social Welfare, his Permanent Secretary, Dr. Makie Taal and NPO/HPR. A special representative from the office of the President was present during the ceremony which was chaired by the Permanent Secretary.



For more details please contact:

Mr. Momodou Gassama, Health Promotion Officer—9331961 Ext. 30805, Office: 00220 4462283/84/86

Mr. George Williams—Health Information Assistant—9900248 Ext.30808

The WHO Gambia Office, New Kotu Layout P.M.B 170, Banjul, The GAMBIA

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