Daily Bulletin on Meningitis « A » Vaccination Campaign 28 November to 04 December 2013 - Day 5

Daily Bulletin on Meningitis « A » Vaccination Campaign 28 November to 04 December 2013 - Day 5

On day 5 of the MenA campaign in the Gambia, the estimates coverge at coutrywide is 95%. In some Regions like North Bank East (NBE) the coverage is more than 100%. The question is WHY? In reference to the reality in the ground (photos), this Region is a place where people are crossing from the neighbouring country (Senegal).

There are lot of trade activities. Discussing with the administrative Officers, people crossing the river for different reasons could be more than the local populations. SO, vaccinating the target 1-29 years old without asking for the ID could be an explainaiton to this kind of situation. Anyway, a coverage survey and independant monitoring too are planned.

The results are awaited to show us the more exact data. One day before the end of the campaign, the National committee is preparing the first evaluation to share the lessons learnt and next steps. Since the second day, all the wastage due to the using of million of seringes, vaccine bottles are been burned for safety and environemental reasons.


For more informations :

sukwat [at] who.intjmarrato [at] unicef.orgguibbak [at] who.intgassamam [at] who.intdjingareym [at] who.int;
mbaldeh [at] unicef.orgapuri [at] unicef.orgmoudounjai2002 [at] yahoo.comylowe_jallow [at] hotmail.com;
esthervitto [at] yahoo.comkandolod [at] who.intlinganic [at] who.intbarryr [at] who.int;

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