Nigeria Signs agreement with Germany to end polio in the country.

Nigeria Signs agreement with Germany to end polio in the country.

Abuja 21 December 2015: The Federal Government of Nigeria has signed an agreement with the German Government to spend 10 Million Euros (€10,000,000) to improve and sustain gains made in polio eradication in the country. The ceremony was conducted in Abuja on 21 December, 2015.

Signing on behalf of the Foreign Affairs Minister, the Permanent Secretary, Ambassador Bulus Lolo explained that the funds will go a long way in ensuring that Nigeria achieves certification in 2017 by maintaining  polio-free status.  Ambassador Lolo conveyed government’s readiness in making health priority for all citizens in the country. “Health is a priority for the present government and the gains recorded in polio eradication will further be consolidated in the coming years with full support and funding of the programme”

Responding on behalf of the German Government, the Deputy Ambassador Mrs Regine Hess expressed German government’s willingness to support Nigeria reach polio-free certification level

In his speech at the signing ceremony, Dr Ado Mohammed the Executive Director of the National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA) traced the historical financial partnership with Germany on polio eradication to 2005. He revealed that Nigeria has over the years, received over 120 million Euros from Germany as grants to Polio eradication Initiative - “These funds which came in various phases were used to purchase vaccines and finance operations of special immunisation campaigns” Dr Ado said.

Speaking on behalf of partners, the WHO country Representative who was represented by Dr Rex Mpazanje expressed appreciation for the support Germany has been giving to the Nigeria polio eradication programme. He described the agreement as “early Christmas present” for the Nigerian child.

It is important to note that German Government, through the KfW Development Bank, has provided tremendous and longstanding financial support over the past 10 years with grants to fill in critical funding gaps for vaccines and campaign operations. In a recent evaluation mission, delegates from KfW Development Bank also acknowledged the achievements by NPHCDA, WHO and UNICEF in polio eradication and the positive impactthat the polio infrastructure has on the health systems in Nigeria as demonstrated by the timely and high quality response to the Ebola outbreak in 2014.

WHO and UNICEF are expected to manage and disburse the funds according to specific needs and priorities identified in supplemental immunisation activities.

The signing ceremony was witnessed by officials of the Federal Ministry of Health, NPHCDA, WHO, UNICEF and Foreign Affairs Ministry.


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Janet Ding Horton; Tel: +234 803 979 5148;  Email:   hortonj [at]
Yared Gettu Yehualashet; Tel: +234 803 402 0828; Email:  yehualashety [at]
Media Contact ai

Kulchumi Hammanyero: Tel +234 803 632 7360; Email:  hammanyerok [at]



01. Permanent Secretary Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ambassdor Bulus Lolo exchanging signed documents with German KfW representative Dr Marga Kowalewski while WR representative Dr Rex Mapzanje (on the left) looks on

02. Dr Rex Mapzanje who represented the WHO country Dr Rui Gama Vaz making a speech on behalf of partners

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