Liberia Commemorates World AIDS Day 2016

Liberia Commemorates World AIDS Day 2016

Monrovia 2nd December, 2016 -  Liberia commemorated World AIDs Day on 1st December 2016. This day is set aside by the United Nations General Assembly to reaffirm commitment to the control of HIV/AIDS, express solidarity for those living with HIV/AIDS and remember those who have been lost over the years. The national commemoration was held in Ganta City, Nimba County under the global theme of “Hands up for HIV Prevention” and national slogan “End AIDS in Liberia: leaving No One Behind”.

HIV/AIDS prevention and response is a priority of the Government of Liberia as indicated in National Strategic Plan, which is aligned with the WHO Global Strategy on HIV (2016-2021), UN Sustainable Development Goals and the HIV/AIDS Framework for Action in the WHO African Region (2016-2020). The national HIV prevalence rate in the general population aged 15-49 increased from 1.5% in 2007 to 2.1% in 2013 according to the Demographic Health Surveys for the periods. There was a steady decline in prevalence among pregnant women attending ante natal care (ANC) from 5.7 % in 2006 to 2.5% in 2013. Other key achievements before the EVD outbreak in 2014 included an increased uptake of Antiretrovirals (ARV’s) and the introduction of Option B plus aimed at prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV infection. 

At the national commemoration of World AIDS Day in Ganta City, Nimba County, the Chairman of the National AIDS Commission Dr. Ivan F. Camanor requested the audience to observe a moment of silence in honour of those who had lost their lives to AIDS. He emphasized the need for more involvement of all elements of Liberian society in HIV prevention, behaviour change communication, and support for people living with HIV/AIDS. Dr Camanor reminded those attending the national commemoration of the importance of ending stigmatization and discrimination of those living with HIV/AIDS.

The Nimba County Health Officer, Dr. Collins Bowah, on behalf of the Ministry of Health congratulated the National AIDS Commission and partners for the support in the fight against HIV and AIDS. He appealed to youths across Liberia to champion the fight against the disease and to adopt health promoting practices that will ensure HIV/AIDS free generation.

Dr Taywah Siafa, the WHO Field Coordinator for Nimba County representing the WHO Country Representative read the World AIDs Day 2016 Message of the WHO Regional Director for Africa, Dr Matshidiso Moeti. In her message, Dr Moeti stressed that, “Despite making considerable progress since 2000, with both new infections and deaths dropping by over 40% by 2015, Sub-Saharan Africa continues to be the region most affected in the world, with almost 26 million people living with the infection in 2015”.  She noted that adolescent girls and young women are particularly vulnerable, being infected at twice the rate of boys and men of the same age. Dr Moeti urged all countries and partners across the region to address the gaps in HIV prevention and implement interventions which have the highest impact, such as making condoms available, ensuring injection and blood safety, and adopting behaviour change campaigns to reduce high risk sexual behaviour and stigma.

The Joint United Nations Program on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) Country Director, Dr. Betru Woldesemayat, delivered a message on behalf of United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki moon, noting that real progress in tackling AIDS has been made over the thirty-five years since the emergence of the disease, with more people than ever before receiving treatment. He called on all nations to commit to ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030 and to realize the vision of a world free of AIDS.

This year’s week-long events in commemoration of World AIDS Day across Liberia included HIV/AIDs outreach services, school debates on HIV prevention, and awareness campaigns through media, songs and drama that targeted communities representing the most vulnerable populations. All counties in Liberia organized similar events to mark the day targeting vulnerable groups and key populations.

Partners who provide support to the national HIV/AIDS response who were present at the commemoration include USAID, UNICEF among others. Also in attendance were local NGOs, CBOs and a few government agencies.

WHO currently is providing technical support for the adoption of Global and Regional guidelines and recommendations for the HIV Response and the rolling out the strategy to test 90% of HIV infections, put 90% of HIV positives on Treatment, and attain viral suppression in 90% of those on treatment and at the same time address co-morbidities through integration of Tuberculosis and Viral Hepatitis in HIV services in Liberia.




For more information contact

Technical: Dr Jeuronlon Moses, email:  jeuronlonk [at]" target="_blank"> jeuronlonk [at]

Communication: Luwaga Liliane, Email:luwagal [at]" target="_blank"> luwagal [at]



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