WHO supports the cholera outbreak response efforts in Dar es Salaam, Morogoro and Pwani Regions in Tanzania

WHO supports the cholera outbreak response efforts in Dar es Salaam, Morogoro and Pwani Regions in Tanzania

Dar es Salaam, 28 August 2015 - The WHO Tanzania Country Office provided the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare water treatment supplies and disinfectants to strengthen the Cholera Outbreak response in the country. Items handed over included: 1,000 cartons of Water Guard (2,400,000 tablets) and 100 litres of Cresol Saponated Liquid (LYSOL), all worth a total of US$ 21,130 equivalent to Tanzania Shillings TShs 42,260,000. In addition to these items, WHO has committed to provide funds nearly TShs 174,000,000/= to support case management, Laboratory services, Surveillance, Social mobilization activities. The overall cost of WHO support is worth a total of US$ 102,347 equivalent to Tanzania Shillings TShs 216, 260,000.

In his handing over speech, the WHO Representative, Dr Rufaro Chatora, commended the Ministry of Health for the hard work on-going to control the Cholera Outbreak in Dar es Salaam, Morogoro and Pwani regions. He also used the opportunity to reiterate on the urgent actions required to contain the outbreak including case identification, prompt case management, ensuring provision of safe Water and Sanitation and personal hygiene practices, surveillance and community mobilization.

On the remaining challenges, Dr Chatora said, “Given the magnitude of the outbreak, this support is not enough, in this regard, we ask the Government, partners, communities, individuals and media  to continue providing the required support in order to contain the outbreak.”  Remarks further emphasized on the need to remain vigilant while reassuring of WHO and the UN commitment to continue to provide technical support to ensure that the Cholera Outbreak is contained.

In his acceptance speech, the Permanent Secretary MOHSW, Dr Donan Mmbando said that the items handed over will complement the country’s efforts in response to the Cholera Outbreak. Emphasizing on the role of the communities and other sectors beyond the health sector, he said, “Urgent multisectoral action is needed including information to the public about cholera and what they can do to prevent further spread. We all have a role to play to adhere to personal hygiene and proper sanitation, and safe food handling practices”. The Permanent Secretary concluded by expressing appreciation to the World Health Organization for the timely support to the people of Tanzania.


For more information, please contact:

•    Technical contact:
Dr. Rufaro Chatora: +255 22 2113005: Email: chatorar [at] who.int
Dr. Grace Saguti: +255 754 287875; Email: sagutig [at] who.int

•    Communications contact:
Dr. Neema Kileo; Tel: +255 755 551804; Email: kileon [at] who.int



The WHO Representative, Dr. Rufaro Chatora and the Permanent Secretary, Dr. Donan Mmbando signing the certificates of transfer.

The meeting was well attended by the Ministry of Health officials, Regional and Municipal authorities, development partners and members of the media.

The WHO Representative, Dr. Rufaro Chatora hands over to the Permanent Secretary one of the water treatment tablets witnessed by the Director of Preventive Services; Director, Quality Assurance and the Regional Medical Officer.

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