WHO Representative visits Kigezi region

WHO Representative visits Kigezi region

Kabale, 8th December 2014:- The World Health Organization Representative (WR) for Uganda, Dr. Wondimagegnehu Alemu visited Kigezi Region, Uganda where he visited Kabale Regional Referral Hospital, Hamurwa Health Centre IV, Muko Health Centre IV, Rubanda Health Centre II, Kihanga Health Centre III, Mparo Health Centre IV and Kisiizi Hospital.

Dr. Wondimagegnehu was received by the Political Leadership of Kabale who included among others RDC, CAO and participated in the budget conference for Kabale district, who thanked him for having spared time to visit the region. The DHO of Kabale Dr. Tusiime Patrick said that Kigezi Region had registered tremendous progress in the fight against Malaria and reduction of Maternal Deaths with no death registered at the visited health centres in 2014.

The WR commended Kigezi region for tremendously reducing malaria in the region and having low maternal and child deaths.

Dr. Wondimagegnehu further interacted with Village Health Teams (VHTs) of Muko and Mparo and congratulated them on the work well done. He said that their role, even if voluntary, is very vital to the health system. He further said that by bridging hospitals and the community, they were saving a lot of lives. “Visiting you is very helpful to my advisory work to the ministry of Health and Health Development Partners,” he said.

He further expressed his concern for the challenges the VHTs were facing and promised to help address some of the issues with the ministry.

At the end of his mission the WR was hosted to a cocktail and in attendance were District Health Officials and the Bishop of Kigezi Diocese, Rev. Canon George Bagamuhunda.


  1. Dr. Ian Spillman, Medical Superintendent of Kisiizi hospital talks to  Dr. Wondimagenehu and his team in the Maternity ward
  2. Dr. Wondimagegnehu addressing Kabale District Health officials
  3. Dr. Wondimagegnehu with VHTs at Mparo Health Centre IV


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