Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine stakeholders’ meeting kicks off in United Republic of Tanzania

Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine stakeholders’ meeting kicks off in United Republic of Tanzania

Dar es Salaam, 18 February 2015 - The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare with support from the World Health Organization, held the 2nd stakeholders’ meeting to review implementation of the first year of the HPV Demonstration Project in the Kilimanjaro region. The HPV Demonstration Project launched early in 2014 aims to demonstrate how the HPV vaccine targeting girls aged 9 to 13 years can be delivered in routine settings while looking at implications on coverage, feasibility, acceptability and cost.

The opening of the three day meeting was officiated by the Kilimanjaro Regional Commissioner, Hon. Leonidas Gama. In his welcome remarks, he commended the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare and the implementers for the success achieved so far since the launch of the Demonstration Project. He said, “We are proud to have achieved the HPV vaccine coverage of above 90% in all the 7 pilot districts. This achievement is a result of: Strong multisectoral collaboration at the regional and district levels; Skilled and competent health and education personnel and Involvement of religious leaders and media in the community sensitization activities”. 

Thereafter, he urged participants to use the workshop to learn more and strategize how to advance the work ahead in the second year of implementation of the Project. The Regional Commissioner concluded by assuring the government’s continued commitment to support implementation of the project in the region and ensure lessons learnt are documented for possible roll out in the whole country.

The WHO Representative, Dr Rufaro Chatora, delivered remarks on behalf of the UN family, Development partners and WHO commending the leadership and implementers for the high HPV vaccine coverage of more than 90% achieved in all the 7 district councils. Highlighting the cervical cancer burden, he said, “These women are suffering for long periods, sometimes they become bed ridden. Some of them are discriminated by families, relatives and communities around them. Being sick for a long period is a burden to the family socially and economically”.

On cervical cancer prevention, Dr Chatora emphasized that “what is required is primary prevention through HPV vaccination and health information and education to reduce high-risk sexual behavior to limit HPV transmission. It is our responsibility to ensure that eligible girls are reached by both the vaccine and education. To do this we need to have strong School Adolescent Health Programmes and facilitate integration of HPV vaccination into the routine immunization programmes”.

He concluded by assuring the commitment of health partners’ to support outcomes of the meeting and ensure success of the second year of the Project. Thereafter, the country will be in a position to know what approach to use in rolling out HPV vaccination throughout the whole country.

Participants included the Regional Administrative Secretary, District Commissioners, District Executive Directors, District Medical Officers, District Education Officers, Regional Health Management Team members, and Council Chairpersons from 7 District Councils in the region, these are Moshi MC, Moshi DC, Rombo DC, Siha DC, Hai DC, Same DC and Mwanga DC. 

Others present at the meeting were the Ag. Director of Preventive Services, Dr Neema Rusibamayila; IVD Programme Officers from the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the World Health Organization Representative for Tanzania, Dr Rufaro Chatora; WHO staff from HQ and Country Offices; Development Partners including Representatives from GAVI, Bill & Melinda Gates, UNICEF and PATH; Representatives from Faith-based Organizations and members of the media. 


For more information, please contact:
Technical contact:
Dr. Rufaro Chatora: +255 22 2113005: Email: chatorar [at]
Mr. Christopher Kamugisha: +255 756 959544; Email: kamugishac [at] 

Communications contact:
Dr. Neema Kileo; Tel: +255 755 551804; Email: kileon [at]


A cross-section of meeting participants

The Guest of Honor in a group photo with the Regional and District Commissioners

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