WHO Regional Director for Africa Dr Matshidiso Moeti arrives in Liberia for a two-day official visit

WHO Regional Director for Africa Dr Matshidiso Moeti arrives in Liberia for a two-day official visit

Monrovia, 22 April 2015 - The World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Director for Africa Dr Matshidiso Moeti began a two-day official visit to Liberia today. The aim of the visit is to assess the progress that has been made in controlling the Ebola virus disease (EVD) epidemic and identify areas WHO could further support the country in its recovery efforts. The visit is the last leg of the Regional Director’s tour of the three countries worst affected by the EVD since she took office in February this year.

Since 20 March 2015, Liberia has not recorded any confirmed case of EVD. WHO and partners have continued to support the government in the ongoing efforts to contain the EVD epidemic including the process of restoring health services and building a more resilient health care system.

The Regional Director held working sessions with the Minister of Health, Hon. Dr Walter Gwenigale and other senior officials at the Ministry during which she emphasized the importance of applying the lessons learnt from the EVD outbreak as the country moves forward.

“We appreciate the tremendous leadership that the Liberian Government has provided through Her Excellency, Mrs Ellen Johnson Sirleaf in bringing down the Ebola virus disease epidemic. The lessons learnt have taught us a lot about how to respond to epidemics and the importance of engaging communities. They will be key in shaping our actions now and in future, but more importantly in the ongoing recovery efforts here in Liberia and other affected countries”, said Dr Moeti.

She also commended the Liberian Health Ministry for putting in place a robust, visionary and evidence-based plan for restoring the health services and building a more resilient health system as well as making the health develop-ment agenda a top priority in the recovery process.

She affirmed WHO’s commitment to continue providing the necessary support to the Liberian government and to continue engaging with other partners in order to sustain the gains which have been made so far and support the restoration of essential health services including the rebuilding of a more resilient health system. 

Speaking to reporters, the Minister of Health, Dr Walter Gwenigale said: “We appreciate the strong support that the World Health Organization has given to Liberia. They have stood with us shoulder to shoulder in this crisis”.

The Regional Director will pay a courtesy call on President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. She will also visit the Redemption Hospital, a 200-bed referral public health facility in Monrovia and hold discussions with community leaders of Zuma Town, one of 25 communities in the Borough of New Kru town in Montserrado County where the last EVD transmission occurred in January 2015.


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Dr Alex Gasasira WHO Representative + 231775281157 gasasiraa [at] who.int" target="_blank">  gasasiraa [at] who.int Nora Mweemba Communications Officer +231770441268 mweembam [at] who.int " target="_blank">   Mweembam [at] who.int Collins Boakye-Agyemang Communications Officer + 231770496213 boakyeagyemangc [at] who.int" target="_blank">  boakyeagyemangc [at] who.int

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